Dungonab Bay and Offshore Reefs, Sudan, October 25 to November 7, 2012
Joseph DiBattista (KAUST), Mark Priest (KAUST), Camrin Braun (KAUST), Nigel Hussey (U Windsor), Steven Kessel (U Windsor), Graham Hill (Coustean Society), Ben Jones (Cousteau Society), Mohamed Younis (local fixer)
A trip in collaboration with researchers from the University of Windsor and the Cousteau Society to catch and acoustically tag manta rays, deploy a network of acoustic receivers to detect the movement of these animals and other tagged species of sharks, and genetically sub-sample reef fish in the Dungonab Bay Marine Park as well as at offshore pinnacle reefs in Sudan. For the manta ray tagging and fish sampling in Dungonab Bay, the team was based at a field camp in the village of Mohamed Qol, and for the work at offshore reefs, including Sanganeib Atoll Marine Park, the team was based on the M/V Elegante.