Journal Articles

Bold = current lab member at time of publication
Underlined = alumnus at time of publication


Aylagas, E; Shchepanik, H; Pearman, JK; Parisi, B; Curdia, J; Berumen, ML; Carvalho, S (2024) Disentangling eukaryotic biodiversity patterns from man-made environments (port and marina) and nearby coral reefs in the Red Sea: A focus on the surveillance of non-indigenous species. Environmental DNA, 6(4), e583

Duporge, I; Lee, R; Eweida, A; Mackelworth, P; Ten, S; Alghamdi, A; Alkhamis, R; Cochran, J; Lee, S; Klinck, H (2024) Passive acoustic monitoring and visual sighting survey of cetacean occurrence patterns in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Marine Mammal Science, e13113

Cochran, JE
; Kattan, A; Langner, U; Knochel, AM; Carvalho, S; Coker, DJ; Fitzgerald, L; Ford, K; Justo, MSS; Hardenstine, RS; McIvor, AJ; Peinemann, VN; Pombo-Ayora, L; Predragovic, M; Rich, WA; Scott, K; Shchepanik, H; Tanabe, LK; Tietbohl, M; Williams, CT; Berumen, ML (2024) Fine-scale spatial and temporal trends in Red Sea coral reef research. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 103404

Delgadillo-Ordoñez, N; Garcias-Bonet, N; Raimundo, I; … Rosado, JGD; … Berumen, ML … Peixoto, RS (2024). Probiotics reshape the coral microbiome in situ without detectable off-target effects in the surrounding environment. Communications Biology 7, 434

Goetze, JS; Heithaus, MR; MacNeil, MA … Berumen, MLCochran, JEMHardenstine, RS … Chapman, DD (2024) Directed conservation of the world’s reef sharks and rays. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Gonzalez, K; Daraghmeh, N; Lozano-Cortés, D; Benzoni, F; Berumen, ML; Carvalho, S (2024) Differential spatio-temporal responses of Red Sea coral reef benthic communities to a mass bleaching event. Scientific Reports 14, 24229

Griffiths, MH; Wade, CM; D’agostino, D; Berumen, ML; Burt, JA; DiBattista, JD; Feary, DA (2024) Phylogeography of a commercially important reef fish, Lutjanus ehrenbergii, from the coastal waters of the Arabian Peninsula. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blad170

He, S; Bariche, M; Pombo-Ayora, L; Berumen, ML (2024) Species delineation and hybrid identification using diagnostic nuclear markers for Mediterranean groupers Epinephelus marginatus and Mycteroperca rubra. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1346535

Macrina, L; Terraneo, TI; Arrigoni, R; Maggioni, D; Tietbohl, MT; Anker, A; Lasley Jr, RM; Pappas, M; Berumen, ML, Benzoni, F (2024) Molecular diversity and patterns of co-occurrence of decapod crustaceans associated with branching corals in the central Red Sea.
Marine Biodiversity 54, 65

Peinemann, VN; Pombo-Ayora, L; Tornabene, L; Berumen, ML (2024) The Grumpy dwarfgoby, a new species of Sueviota (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the Red Sea. ZooKeys 1212, 17-28 

Pombo-Ayora, L; Peinemann, VN; Cochran, JEM; Eweida, AA; Marshall, PA; Berumen, ML (2024) Diversity, functional redundancy, and vulnerability of reef fish communities of the Saudi Arabian coast, in the northern Red Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science 78, 103798

Pombo-Ayora, L; Peinemann, VN; Coker, DJ; Berumen, ML (2024) Length-weight relationships for 32 species of cryptobenthic reef fishes from the Red Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Temple, AJ; Langner, U; Berumen, ML (2024) Management and research efforts are failing dolphins, porpoises, and other toothed whales. Scientific Reports 14, 7077

Temple, AJ; Berggren, P; Jiddawi, N; Wambiji, N; Poonian, CNS; Salmon, YN; Berumen, ML; Stead, SM (2024) Linking extinction risk to the economic and nutritional value of sharks in small-scale fisheries. Conservation Biology, e14292

Terraneo, TI; Houlbreque, F; Arrigoni, R; Longari, B; Berumen, ML; Hume, BCC; Fiat, S; Rodolfo-Metalpa, R; Payri, CE; Voolstra, CR; Benzoni, F (2024) Coral-associated Symbiodiniaceae dynamics during the 2016 mass bleaching event in New Caledonia. Coral Reefs

Villalobos, R
; Aylagas, E; Ellis, JI; Pearman, JK; Anlauf, H; Curdia, J; Lozano-Cortes, D; Meija, A; Roth, F; Berumen, ML; Carvalho, S (2024) Responses of the coral reef cryptobiome to environmental gradients in the Red Sea. PLoS One 19(4), e0301837

Villalobos, R
; Aylagas, E; Pearman, JK; Curdia, J; Coker, D; Bell, AC; Brown, SD; Rowe, K; Lozano-Cortés, D, Rabaoui, LJ; Marshall, A; Qurban, M; Jones, B; Berumen, ML; Carvalho, S (2024) Biodiversity patterns of the coral reef cryptobiota around the Arabian Peninsula. Scientific Reports 14, 9532

Waldie, P; Feary, DA; Bode, M; Matawai, M; Harrison, H; Berumen, ML; Molai, C; Hamilton, RJ (2024) Dispersal patterns of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) larvae in Manus Province, Papua New Guinea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1380235

Williams, CT; Bogorodsky, SV; Peinemann, VN; Pombo-Ayora, L; Berumen, ML (2024) The first confirmed record of Indo-Pacific Tarpon Megalops cyprinoides (Megalopidae) from the Red Sea. Zoology in the Middle East, 1-6

Williams, CT; Garzon, F; Cochran, JEM; Tanabe, LK; Hawkes, LA; McIvor, AJ; Eweida, AA; Marshall, PA; Berumen, ML (2024) Low diversity and abundance of predatory fishes in a peripheral coral reef ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution, 14(2), e10920

Womersley, FC; Rohner, CA; Abrantes, K; … Cochran, JEM; … Hardenstine, RS; … Judd, C; … Araujo, G (2024) Identifying priority sites for whale shark ship collision management globally. Science of the Total Environment 172776

Womersley, FC; Sousa, LL; … Berumen, ML; … Braun, CD; … Cochran, JEM; … Hardenstine, RS; … et al. (2024) Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature Climate Change


Arrigoni, R; Stolarski, J; Terraneo, TI; Hoeksema, BW; Berumen, ML; Payri, C; Montano, S; Benzoni, F (2023) Phylogenetics and taxonomy of the scleractinian coral family Euphylliidae. Contributions to Zoology

Brandl, SJ; … Coker, DJ; … Berumen, ML; … Parenti, LR (2023) Using standardized fish-specific autonomous reef monitoring structures (FARMS) to quantify cryptobenthic fish communities. Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Braun, CD; Penna, AD; Arostegui, MC; Afonso, A; Berumen, ML; … Thorrold, SR (2023) Linking vertical movements of large pelagic predators with distribution patterns of biomass in the open ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(47), e2306357120

Carvalho, C; Shchepanik, H; Aylagas, E; Berumen, ML; … et al. (2023) Hurdles and opportunities in implementing marine biosecurity systems in data-poor regions. BioScience 73 (7): 494–512

Dunne, AF; Coker, DJ; Kattan, A; Tietbohl, MD; Ellis, JI; Jones, B; Berumen, ML (2023) Importance of coastal vegetated habitats for tropical marine fishes in the Red Sea. Marine Biology 170, 90

Dunne, AF; Tietbohl, MD; Nuber, C; Berumen, ML; Jones, BH (2023) Fish-mediated nutrient flows from macroalgae habitats to coral reefs in the Red Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 185, 105884

Harrison, HB; Drane, L; Berumen, ML; Cresswell, BJ; Evans, RD; Galbraith, GL; Srinivasan, M; Taylor, BM; Williamson, DH; Jones, GP (2023) Ageing of juvenile coral grouper (Plectropomus maculatus) reveals year-round spawning and recruitment: implications for seasonal closures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20230584

He, Song; Berumen, ML (2023) Egg development and hatching in two Red Sea damselfishes. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1235919

Khan, FF; Li, X; Temple, AJ; Elhoseiny, M (2023) FishNet: A Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Fish Recognition, Detection, and Functional Trait Prediction. 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, pp. 20439-20449

Knochel, A
; Kattan, A; Kiszka, JJ (2023) Carangids hunt commensal teleosts associating with a megafaunal host. Marine Biodiversity 53, 47

Potlock, KM; Temple, AJ; Berggren P (2023) Offshore construction using gravity-base foundations indicates no long-term impacts on dolphins and harbour porpoise. Marine Biology 170, 92

Predragovic, M; Cvitanovic, C; Karcher, DB; Tietbohl, MD; Sumaila, UR; Costa, BH (2023) A systematic literature review of climate change research on Europe's threatened commercial fish species. Ocean and Coastal Management 242:106719

Saderne, V; Dunne, AF; Rich, WA; Cadiz, R; Carvalho, S; Curdia, J; Kattan, A (2023) Seasonality of methane and carbon dioxide emissions in tropical seagrass and unvegetated ecosystems. Communications Earth and Environment 4, 99

Simpfendorfer, CA; Heithaus, MR … Aylagas, EBerumen, MLCochran, JEMGajdzik, LHardenstine, RSMcIvor, ASpaet, JLY … Chapman, DD (2023) Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science 380, 1155-1160

Svarachorn, T; Temple, AJ; Berggren, P (2023) Marine megafauna catch in Thai small-scale fisheries. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1–18

Tanabe, LK; Cochran, JEM; Berumen, ML (2023) Inter-nesting, migration, and foraging behaviors of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the central-southern Red Sea. Scientific Reports 13, 11222

Tanabe, LK
; Cochran, JEM; Hardenstine, RS; Scott, K; Berumen, ML (2023) A Preliminary Report of Plastic Ingestion by Hawksbill and Green Turtles in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Animals 13, 314

Tanabe, LK
; Cochran, JEM; Williams, CT; Garzon, F; Langner, U; Hardenstine, RS; Hawkes, LA; Brainard, RE; Eweida, AA; Marshall, PA; Berumen, ML (2023) Case report: tracking data from foraging hawksbill turtles in the northern Red Sea. Animal Biotelemetry 11, 1




Bennett-Smith, MF; Justo, MS; Berumen, ML; Peixoto, R; Titus, BM (2022) Novel in situ observations of asexual reproduction in the carpet sea anemone, Stichodactyla mertensii (Stichodactylidae, Actiniaria). ZooKeys 1103: 57-63

Chahid, A; N’Doye, I; Majoris, JE;
Berumen, ML; Laleg-Kirati (2022) Fish growth trajectory tracking using Q-learning in precision aquaculture. Aquaculture 550:737838

Coker, DJ; DiBattista, JD; Stat, M; Arrigoni, R; Reimer, J; Terraneo, TI; Villalobos, R; Nowicki, JP; Bunce, M; Berumen, ML (2022) DNA metabarcoding confirms primary targets and breadth of diet for coral reef butterflyfishes. Coral Reefs

Fitzgerald, LM; Harrison, HG; Coker, DJ; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Srinivasan, M; Majoris, JE; … Bennett-Smith, M; Thorrold, SR; Planes, G; Jones, GP; Berumen, ML (2022) Rank change and growth within social hierarchies of the orange clownfish, Amphiprion percula. Marine Biology 169, 128

Garzon, F; Williams, CT; Cochran, JEM; Tanabe, LK; Abdulla, A; Berumen, ML; Habis, T; Marshall, PA; Rodrigue, M; Hawkes, LA (2022) A multi-method characterization of Elasmobranch & Cheloniidae communities of the north-eastern Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0275511

Hardenstine, RS; He, S; Cochran, JEM; Braun, CD; Cagua, EF; Pierce, SJ; Prebble, CEM; Rohner, CA; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Skomal, GB; Thorrold, SR; Watts, AM; Zakroff, CJ; Berumen, ML (2022) Pieces in a global puzzle: Population genetics at two whale shark aggregations in the western Indian Ocean. Ecology and Evolution 12(1):e8492

He, S; Berumen, ML (2022) A novel feeding association between blackeye thicklip wrasse (Hemigymnus melapterus) and lyretail hogfish (Bodianus anthioides). Marine Biodiversity 52, 35

He, S; Green, AL; Samoilys, MA; Omar, YM; Berumen, ML (2022) Waif or hybrid? Observation records of rare coloration grouper in Djibouti. Environmental Biology of Fishes

He, S; Pujul, B; Planes, S; Berumen, ML (2022) Biogeography and Genetic Barriers in Amphiprion Anemonefishes. In Evolution, Development and Ecology of Anemonefishes (pp. 23-28). CRC Press

Hulver, AM; Steckbauer, A; Ellis, JI; Aylagas, E; … Carvalho, S; Jones, BH; Berumen, ML (2022) Interaction effects of crude oil and nutrient exposure on settlement of coral reef benthos. Marine Pollution Bulletin 185, 114352

Johansen, K; Dunne, AF; Tu, Y-H; Jones, BH; McCabe, MF (2022) Monitoring coastal water flow dynamics using sub-daily high-resolution SkySat satellite and UAV-based imagery. Water Research 219

Jones, GP; Harrison, HB; Berumen, ML; Planes, S; Thorrold, SR (2022) Larval Dispersal in Anemonefish Populations: Self-Recruitment, Connectivity, and Metapopulation Dynamics. In Evolution, Development and Ecology of Anemonefishes (pp. 209-220). CRC Press

Jones, GP; Srinivasan, M; Galbraith, GF; Berumen, ML; Planes, S (2022) Saving Nemo: Extinction Risk, Conservation Status, and Effective Management Strategies for Anemonefishes. In Evolution, Development and Ecology of Anemonefishes (pp. 285-298). CRC Press

Kattan, A; Coker, DJ; Nowicki, JP; Williams, C; Berumen, ML (2022) Putative spawning aggregations of giant trevally in the Red Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science

Knochel, AM; Cochran, JEM; Kattan, A; Stevens, GMW; Bojanowksi, E; Berumen, ML (2022) Crowdsourced data reveal multinational connectivity, population demographics, and possible nursery ground of endangered oceanic manta rays in the Red Sea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1– 13

Knochel, AM; Hussey, NE; Kessel, ST; Braun, CD; Cochran, JEM; Hill, G; Klaus, R; Checkchak, T; El Hassen, NME; Younnis, M; Berumen, ML (2022) Home sweet home: spatiotemporal distribution and site fidelity of the reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) in Dungonab Bay, Sudan. Movement Ecology 10, 22

McIvor, AJ; Spaet, JLY; Williams, CT; Berumen, ML (2022) Unoccupied aerial video (UAV) surveys as alternatives to BRUV surveys for monitoring elasmobranch species in coastal waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsac098

McIvor, AJ; Williams, CT; Alves, F; Dinis, A; Pais, MP; Canning-Clode, J (2022) The Status of Marine Megafauna Research in Macaronesia: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:819581

Meziere, Z; Rich, WA; Carvalho, S; Benzoni, F; Moran, XAG; Berumen, ML (2022) Stylophora under stress: A review of research trends and impacts of stressors on a model coral species. Science of the Total Environment 816: e151639

Pearman, JK; Casas, Castano L; … Carvalho, S; Gusti, A; Irigoien, X (2022) Comparative metagenomics of phytoplankton blooms after nutrient enrichment of oligotrophic marine waters. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 6:e79208

Peinemann, VN; Pombo-Ayora, L; Cochran, JEM; Marchese, F; Chimienti, G; Rodrigue, M; Eweida, AA; Marshall, P; Benzoni, F; Berumen, ML (2022) First record of Boulenger's anthias Sacura boulengeri (Heemstra 1973) in the Red Sea. Journal of Fish Biology

Peixoto, RS; Voolstra, CR; Sweet, M; Duarte, CM; Carvalho, S; … Berg, G (2022) Harnessing the microbiome to prevent global biodiversity loss. Nature Microbiology

Pombo-Ayora, L
; Peinemann, VN; Williams, CT; He, S; Lin, YJ; Iwatsuki, Y; Bradley, DDC; Berumen, ML (2022) Acanthopagrus oconnorae, a new species of seabream (Sparidae) from the Red Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 1-13

Payet, SD; Pratchett, MS; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Berumen, ML; DiBattista, JD; Harrison, HD (2022) Demographic histories shape population genomics of the common coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus). Evolutionary Applications 00, 1-15

Rich, WA; Carvalho, S; Berumen, ML (2022) Coral bleaching due to cold stress on a central Red Sea reef flat. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9450

Rich, WA; Carvalho, S; Cadiz, R; Gil, G; Gonzalez, K; Berumen, ML (2022) Size structure of the coral Stylophora pistillata across reef flat zones in the central Red Sea. Scientific Reports 12, 13979

Robitzch, V; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Alpermann, TJ; Frédérich, B; Berumen, ML (2022) Contrasting genetic diversity and structure between endemic and widespread damselfishes are related to differing adaptive strategies. Journal of Biogeography 00, 1-13

Rohner, CA; Venables, SK; Cochran, JEM; Prebble, CEM; Kuguru, BL; Berumen, ML; Pierce, SJ (2022) The need for long-term population monitoring of the world’s largest fish. Endangered Species Research 47:231-248

Scott, K; Tanabe, LK; Miller, JD; Berumen, ML (2022) Newly described nesting sites of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the central Red Sea. PeerJ 10:e13408

Tanabe, LK; Carvalho, S; Dasari, V; Nasif, A; O’Toole, KA; Berumen, ML (2022) Potential effects of heavy metal pollution from a cement factory near Saudi Arabia’s largest green turtle rookery. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194, 450

Tanabe, LK; Scott, K; Dasari, V; Berumen, ML (2022) An assessment of heavy metals in green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings from Saudi Arabia’s largest rookery, Ras Baridi. PeerJ 10:e13928

Thomson, T; Ellis, JI; Fusi, M; Prinz, N; Bennet-Smith, MF; Aylagas, E; Carvalho, S; Jones, BH (2022) The right place at the right time: Seasonal variation of bacterial communities in arid Avicennia marina soils in the Red Sea is specific to its position in the intertidal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:845611

Thomson, T; Fusi, M; Bennett-Smith, MF; Prinz, N; Aylagas, E; Carvalho, S; Lovelock, CE; Jones, BH; Ellis, JI (2022) Bacterial communities from arid mangrove soils are shaped primarily by environmental rather than biogeographical factors. Microbiology Spectrum, 10:e0090321

Villalobos, R; Aylagas, E; Pearnman, JK; Curdia, J; Lonzano-Cortés, D; Coker, DJ; Jones, B; Berumen, ML; Carvalho, S (2022) Inter-annual variability patterns of reef cryptobiota in the central Red Sea across a shelf gradient. Scientific Reports 12, 16944

Williams, CT; Arostegui, MC; Braun, CD; Gaube, P; Shriem, M; Berumen, ML (2022) First records of two large pelagic fishes in the Red Sea: wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) and striped marlin (Kajikia audax). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

Wilson, SK; Fulton, CJ; … Coker, DJ; … Tinkler, P (2022) The contribution of macroalgae-associated fishes to small-scale tropical reef fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 00:1-15

Womersley, FC; Humphries, NE; … Berumen, ML; … Braun, CD; … Cochran, JEM; … Hardenstine, R; … Sims, DW (2022) Global collision-risk hotspots of marine traffic and the world’s largest fish, the whale shark. PNAS 119 (20)



Aljehani, F; N'Doye, I; Justo, MS; Majoris, JE; Berumen, ML; Laleg-Kirati, TM (2021) Spatial Distribution Patterns of Clownfish in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.14513

Arrigoni, R
; Huang, D; Berumen, ML; Budd, AF; Montano, S; Richards, ZT; Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F (2021) Integrative systematics of the scleractinian coral genera Caulastraea, Erythrastrea and Oulophyllia. Zoologica Scripta 00: 1-19

Bähr, S; Johnson, ML; Berumen, ML; Hardenstine, RS; Rich, WA; van der Meij, SET (2021) Morphology and reproduction in the Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Stimpson, 1859 species complex (Decapoda: Brachyura: Cryptochiridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 41(3)

Bennett-Smith, MF; Majoris, JE; Titus, BM; Berumen, ML (2021) Clownfish hosting anemones (Anthozoa, Actiniaria) of the Red Sea: new associations and distributions, historical misidentifications, and morphological variability. Marine Biodiversity Records 14, 22

Birkeland, C; Green, A; Lawrence, A; Coward, G; Vaeoso, M; Fenner, D (2021) Different resiliencies in coral communities over ecological and geological time scales in American Samoa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 673:55-68

Bonzi, LC; Monroe, AA; Lehmann, R; Berumen, ML; Ravasi, T; Schunter, C (2021) The time course of molecular acclimation to seawater in a euryhaline fish. Scientific Reports 11:18127

Borsa, P; Williams, CT; McIvor, AJ; Hoareau, TB; Berumen, ML (2021) Neotype designation and re-description of Forsskål’s reticulate whipray Himantura uarnak. Marine Biodiversity 51, 28

Bouwmeester, J; Coker, DJ; Sinclair‐Taylor, TH; Berumen, ML (2021) Broadcast spawning of Pocillopora verrucosa across the eastern and western coast of the central Red Sea. Ecosphere 12(1):e03340

Bouwmeester, J; Edwards, AJ; Guest, JR; Bauman, AG; Berumen, ML; Baird, AH (2021) Latitudinal variation in monthly-scale reproductive synchrony among Acropora coral assemblages in the Indo-Pacific. Coral Reefs

Cziesielski, MJ; Duarte, CM; … Berumen, ML; … He, S; … Saderne, V; … Aranda, M (2021) Investing in blue natural capital to secure a future for the Red Sea ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:603722

DiBattista, JD; Berumen, ML; Priest, MA; De Brauwer, M; Coker, DJ; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; … Marshell, A (2021) Environmental DNA reveals a multi-taxa biogeographic break across the Arabian Sea and Sea of Oman. Environmental DNA

DiBattista, JD; Taylor, BM; Hobbs, J-PA; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Coker, DJ; Trip, EDL; Choat, JH; Lozano-Cortés, D; Kandler, NM; Berumen, ML (2021) Growth patterns of specialized reef fishes distributed across the Red Sea to Gulf of Aden. Environmental Biology of Fishes

Dunne, A; Carvalho, S; Moran, XA; Calleja, ML; Jones, B (2021) Localized effects of offshore aquaculture on water quality in a tropical sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112732

Gajdzik, L; DeCarlo, TM; Aylagas, E; Coker, DJ; Green, AL; Majoris, JE; Saderne, VF; Carvalho, S; Berumen, ML (2021) A portfolio of climate-tailored approaches to advance the design of marine protected areas in the Red Sea. Global Change Biology 00:1-13

Gajdzik, L; Green, AL; Cochran, JEM; Hardenstine, RS; Tanabe, LK; Berumen, ML (2021) Using species connectivity to achieve coordinated large-scale marine conservation efforts in the Red Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 166, 112244

Hamilton, RJ; Lozano-Cortes, D; Bode, M; Almany, GR; Harrison, HB; Pita, J; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Gereniu, C; Waldie, PA; Peterson, N; Choat, JH; Berumen, ML (2021) Larval dispersal and fishing pressure influence recruitment in a coral reef fishery. Journal of Applied Ecology 00, 1-12

Maggioni, D; Garese, A; … Arrigoni, R; … Berumen, ML… et al. (2021) Diversity, host specificity and biogeography in the Cladocorynidae (Hydrozoa, Capitata), with description of a new genus. Cladistics

Maggioni, D; Schuchert, P; Arrigoni, R; … Berumen, ML… et al (2021) Integrative systematics illuminates the relationships in two sponge-associated hydrozoan families (Capitata: Sphaerocorynidae and Zancleopsidae). Contributions to Zoology 90(4-5)

Quiroz, N; Humphries, NE; … Berumen, ML … et al. (2021) Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature 595, E20–E28

Quiroz, N; Humphries, NE; … Berumen, ML … et al. (2021) Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature 595, E8–E16

Robitzch, V; Molina-Valdivia, V; Solano-Iguaran, JJ; Landaeta, MF; Berumen, ML (2021) Year-round high abundances of the world’s smallest marine vertebrate (Schindleria) in the Red Sea and worldwide associations with lunar phases. Scientific Reports 11, 14261

Shellem, CT; Ellis, JI; Coker, DJ; Berumen, ML (2021) Red Sea fish market assessments indicate high species diversity and potential overexploitation. Fisheries Research 239

Shimado, T; Duarte, CM; Al-Suwailem, AM; Tanabe, LK; Meekan, MG (2021) Satellite Tracking Reveals Nesting Patterns, Site Fidelity, and Potential Impacts of Warming on Major Green Turtle Rookeries in the Red Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science

Silva, L; Calleja, ML; Ivetic, S; Huete-Stauffer, T; Roth, F; Carvalho, S; Morán, XAG (2021) Heterotrophic bacterioplankton responses in coral- and algae-dominated Red Sea reefs show they might benefit from future regime shift. Science of the Total Environment 751, 141628

Tanabe, LK; Steenacker, M; Rusli, MU; Berumen, ML (2021) Implications of nest relocation for morphology and locomotor performance of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings. Ocean & Coastal Management 207, 105591

Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F; Arrigoni, R; Baird, AH; Mariappan, KG; Forsman, ZH; Wooster, MK; Bouwmeester, J; Marshell, A; Berumen, ML (2021) Phylogenomics of Porites from the Arabian Peninsula. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 161

Williams, CTMcIvor, AJ; Wallace, EM; Lin, Y-J; Berumen, ML (2021) Genetic diversity and life‐history traits of bonefish Albula spp. from the Red Sea. Journal of  Fish Biology


Alsaffar, Z; Curdia, J; Irigoien, X; Carvalho, S (2020) Composition, uniqueness and connectivity across tropical coastal lagoon habitats in the Red Sea. BMC Ecology 20:61

Alsaffar, Z; Pearman, JK; Cúrdia, J; Ellis, J; Calleja, ML; Ruiz-Compean, P; Roth, F; Villalobos, R; Jones, BH; Morán, XAG; Carvalho, S (2020) The role of seagrass vegetation and local environmental conditions in shaping benthic bacterial and macroinvertebrate communities in a tropical coastal lagoon. Scientific Reports 10, 13550

Arostegui, MC; Gaube, P; Berumen, ML; DiGiulian, A; Jones, BH; Rostad, A; Braun, CD (2020) Vertical movements of a pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus): insights into the species’ physiological limitations and trophic ecology in the Red Sea. Endangered Species Research 43:387-394

Arrigoni, R
; Berumen, ML; Mariappan, KG; Beck, PSA; Hulver, AM; Montano, S; Pichon, M; Strona, G; Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F (2020) Towards a rigorous species delimitation framework for scleractinian corals based on RAD sequencing: the case of Leptastrea from the Indo-Pacific. Coral Reefs

Aylagas, E; Borja, A; … Gajdzik, L; Coker, DJ; … Carvalho, S (2020) Translational Molecular Ecology in practice: Linking DNA-based methods to actionable marine environmental management. Science of the Total Environment 744: 1-12

Borja, A; Andersen, JH; Arvanitidis, CD; … Carvalho, S; … et al (2020) Past and Future Grand Challenges in Marine Ecosystem Ecology. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 362

Cleary, DFR; Polonia, ARM; Reijnen, BT; Berumen, ML; de Voogd, NJ (2020) Prokaryote communities inhabiting endemic and newly discovered sponges and octocorals from the Red Sea. Microbial Ecology

Cinner, JE; Zamborain-Mason, J; ... Hoey, AS; ... Green, AL; et al. (2020) Meeting fisheries, ecosystem function, and biodiversity goals in a human-dominated world. Science 368, 307-311

Cordier, T; Alonso-Saez, L; ... Aylagas, E; et al. (2020) Ecosystems monitoring powered by environmental genomics: A review of current strategies with an implementation roadmap. Molecular Ecology 00:1-22

Cornwall, CE; Comeau, S; DeCarlo, TM; … et al. (2020) A coralline alga gains tolerance to ocean acidification over multiple generations of exposure. Nature Climate Change

Davis, KA; Arthur, SR; ... DeCarlo, TM; Cohen, AL (2020) Fate of internal waves on a shallow shelf. JGR Oceans

DeCarlo, TM; Carvalho, S; Gajdzik, L; Hardenstine, RS; Tanabe, LK; Villalobos, R; Berumen, ML (2020) Patterns, Drivers, and Ecological Implications of Upwelling in Coral Reef Habitats of the Southern Red Sea. JGR Oceans, 126, e2020JC016493

DeCarlo, TM; Gajdzik, L; Ellis, J; Coker, DJ; Roberts, MB; Hammerman, NM; Pandolfi, JM; Monroe, AA; Berumen, ML (2020) Nutrient-supplying ocean currents modulate coral bleaching susceptibility. Science Advances 6(34): 1-7

DiBattista, JD; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Piatek, MJ; Cagua, EF; Bowen, BW; Choat, JH, Rocha, LA; Gaither, MR; Hobbs, J-PA; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; McIlwain, JH; Priest, MA; Braun, CD; Hussey, NE; Kessel, ST; Berumen, ML (2020) Population genomic response to geographic gradients by widespread and endemic fishes of the Arabian Peninsula. Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-17

Fauvelot, C; Zuccon, D; … Berumen, ML; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; … et al. (2020) Phylogeographical patterns and a cryptic species provide new insights into Western Indian Ocean giant clams phylogenetic relationships and colonization history. Journal of Biogeography 00: 1-20

Gaither, MR; Coker, DJ; Greaves, S; Sarigol, F; Payet, SD; Chaidez, V; Sinclair‐Taylor, THDiBattista, JD; Berumen, ML (2020) Does color matter? Molecular and ecological divergence in four sympatric color morphs of a coral reef fish. Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-19

Grutter, AS; Amon, A; Green, AL; Vaughn, DB (2020) Clownfish Amphiprion polymnus wound cleaned by Ancylomenes sp. cleaner shrimp. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 22(1): 7-8

Harrison, HB; Bode, M; Williamson, DH; Berumen, ML; Jones, GP (2020) A connectivity portfolio effect stabilizes marine reserve performance. PNAS

He, S; Mork, J; Larsen, WB; Moller, P; Berumen, ML (2020) Morphology and genetic investigation of flatfish interspecies hybrids (Pleuronectes platessa X Platichthys flesus) from the Baltic Sea. Fisheries Research 225: 105499

Hume, BCC; Mejia-Restrepo, A; Voolstra, CR; Berumen, ML (2020) Fine-scale delineation of Symbiodiniaceae genotypes on a previously bleached central Red Sea reef system demonstrates a prevalence of coral host-specific associations. Coral Reefs

Karcher, DB; Roth, F; Carvalho, S; El-Khaled, YC; Tilstra, A; Kurten, B; Struck, U; Jones, BH; Wild, C (2020) Nitrogen eutrophication particularly promotes turf algae in coral reefs of the central Red Sea. PeerJ 8: e8737

MacNeil, MA; Chapman, DD; Heupel, M; … Berumen, ML; … Cochran, JEM; … Hardenstine, RS; … et al . (2020) Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks. Nature 583, 801-806

Maggioni, D; Arrigoni, R; Seveso, D; Galli, P; Berumen, ML; … Reimer, JD; Montano, S (2020) Evolution and biogeography of the Zanclea-Scleractinia symbiosis. Coral Reefs

Maggioni, D; Shiavo, A; … Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML; Benzoni, F; Montano, S (2020) Cryptic species and host specificity in the bryozoan-associated hydrozoan Zanclea divergens (Hydrozoa, Zancleidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15, 106893

Montano, S; Maggioni, D; Liguori, G; Arrigoni, RBerumen, ML; Seveso, D; Galli, P; Hoeksema, BW (2020) Morpho-molecular traits of Indo-Pacific and Caribbean Halofolliculina ciliate infections. Coral Reefs

Otoadese, J; Carvalho, S (2020) Treasure Reef: Revealing the Hidden Creatures of Coral Reefs. Frontiers for Young Minds 8:11

Palacios-Narvaez, S; Valencia, B; Giraldo, A (2020) Diet of the coral hawkfish Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus (Family: Cirrhitidae) in a fringing coral reef of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Coral Reefs 39, 1503-1509

Pearman, JK; Aylagas, E; Chust, G; … Carvalho, S (2020) Pan‐regional marine benthic cryptobiome biodiversity patterns revealed by metabarcoding Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures. Molecular Ecology 00:1-16

Pombo-Ayora, L; Coker, DJ; Carvalho, S; Short, G; Berumen, ML (2020) Morphological and ecological trait diversity reveal sensitivity of herbivorous fish assemblages to coral reef benthic conditions. Marine Environmental Research 162: 1-11

Robitzch, V; Berumen, ML (2020) Recruitment of coral reef fishes along a cross-shelf gradient in the Red Sea peaks outside the hottest season. Coral Reefs

Robitzch, V; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Berumen, ML (2020) Travel with your kin ship! Insights from genetic sibship among settlers of a coral damselfish. Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-14

Rocha, LA; DiBattista, JD; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Berumen, ML (2020) Wolves in sheep’s clothing: three new cases of aggressive mimicry in Red Sea coral reef fishes. Journal of Natural History 54:15-16, 1019-1023

Rohner, CA; Cochran, JEM; Cagua, EF; Prebble, CEM; Venables, SK; Berumen, ML; Kuguru, BL; Rubens, J; Brunnschweiler, JM; Pierce, SJ (2020) No place like home? High residency and predictable seasonal movement of whale sharks off Tanzania. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:423

Roth, F; Karcher, DB; Radecker, N; Hohn, S; Carvalho, S; … et al (2020) High rates of carbon and dinitrogen fixation suggest a critical role of benthic pioneer communities in the energy and nutrient dynamics of coral reefs. Functional Ecology 00: 1-14

Roth, F; Radecker, N; Carvalho, S; Duarte, CM; Saderne, V; … et al.  (2020) High summer temperatures amplify functional differences between coral‐ and algae‐dominated reef communities. Ecology

Rueger, T; Harrison, HB; Buston, PM; Gardiner, NM; Berumen, ML; Jones, GP (2020) Natal philopatry increases relatedness within groups of coral reef cardinalfish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20201133

Saderne, V; Fusi, M; Thomson, T; Dunne, A; Mahmud, F; Roth, F; Carvalho, S; Duarte, CM (2020) Total alkalinity production in a mangrove ecosystem reveals an overlooked Blue Carbon component. Limnology and Oceanography

Salas, E; Hobbs, J-PA; Bernal, MA; Simison, WB; Berumen, ML; Bernardi, G; Rocha, LA (2020) Distinct patterns of hybridization across a suture zone in a coral reef fish (Dascyllus trimaculatus). Ecology and Evolution 10:2813-2837

Salles, O; Almany, GR; Berumen, ML; Jones, GP; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Srinivasan, M; Thorrold, SR; Pujol, B; Planes, S (2020) Strong habitat and weak genetic effects shape the lifetime reproductive success in a wild clownfish population. Ecology Letters 23:265-273

Tanabe, LK; Ellis, J; Elsadek, I; Berumen, ML (2020) Potential feminization of Red Sea turtle hatchlings as indicated by in situ sand temperature profiles. Conservation Science and Practice

Tietbohl, MD; Hardenstine, RH; Tanabe, LK; Hulver, AM; Berumen, ML (2020) Intentional partial beaching in a coral reef fish: a newly recorded hunting behaviour of titan triggerfish, Balistoides viridescens. Journal of Fish Biology 1-4

Tietbohl, MD; Ngugi, D; Berumen, ML (2020) A Unique Bellyful: Extraordinary Gut Microbes Help Herbivorous Fish Eat Seaweeds. Frontiers for Young Minds. 8:58

Wee, HB; Berumen, ML; Ravasi, T; Reimer, JD (2020) Symbiodiniaceae diversity of Palythoa tuberculosa in the central and southern Red Sea influenced by environmental factors. Coral Reefs  



Atta, CJ; Coker, DJ; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; DiBattista, JD; Kattan, A; Monroe, AA; Berumen, ML (2019) Conspicuous and cryptic reef fishes from a unique and economically important region in the northern Red Sea. PLoS ONE 14(10) e0223365

Carvalho, S; Aylagas, E; Villalobos, R; Kattan, Y; Berumen, M; Pearman, JK (2019) Beyond the visual: using metabarcoding to characterize the hidden reef cryptobiome. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20182697 

Chaput, R; Majoris, JE; Buston, PM; Paris, CB (2019) Hydrodynamic and biological constraints on group cohesion in plankton. Journal of Theoretical Biology 482: 109987

Chaput, R; Majoris, JE; Guigand, CM; Huse, M; D’Alessandro, EK (2019) Environmental conditions and paternal care determine hatching synchronicity of coral reef fish larvae. Marine Biology 166: 118

Chen, C-T; Robitzch, V; Sturaro, N; Lepoint, G; Berumen, ML; Frederich, B (2019) ‘Homemade’: the phenotypic diversity of coral reef damselfish populations is driven by the local environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127(2): 361-376

Cochran, JEM; Braun, CD; Cagua, EF; Campbell Jr, MF; Hardenstine, RS; Kattan, A; Priest, MA; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Skomal,  GB; Sultan, S; Sun, L; Thorrold, SR; Berumen, ML (2019) Multi-method assessment of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) residency, distribution, and dispersal behavior at an aggregation site in the Red Sea. PLoS ONE 14(9):e0222285

Darling, E; McClanahan, TR; … Berumen, ML; … Bouwmeester, J; et al (2019) Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3:1341-1350

Ellis, JI; Jamil, T; Anlauf, H; Coker, DJ; Curdia, J; Hewitt, J; Jones, BH; Krokos, G; Kurten, B; Hariprasad, D; Roth, F; Carvalho, S; Hoteit, I (2019) Multiple stressor effects on coral reef ecosystems. Global Change Biology 25: 4131-4146

DeCarlo, TM; Harrison, HB (2019) An enigmatic decoupling between heat stress and coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. PeerJ 7:e7473

Emms, MA; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Giles, EC; Gatins, R; Nanninga, GB; Scott, A; Hobbs, J-PA; Frisch, AJ; Mills, SC; Beldade, R; Berumen, ML (2019) Comparative phylogeography of the three host sea anemones in the Indo-Pacific. Journal of Biogeography 00:1-14

He, S; Robitzch, V; Hobbs, J-PA; Travers, MJ; Lozano-Cortes, D; Berumen, ML; DiBattista, JD (2019) An examination of introgression and incomplete lineage sorting among three closely related species of chocolate-dipped damselfish (genus: Chromis). Ecology and Evolution 9: 5468-5478

Kandler, NM; Wooster, MK; Leray, M; Knowlton, N; de Voogd, NJ; Paulay, G; Berumen, ML (2019) Hyperdiverse macrofauna communities associated with a common sponge, Stylissa carteri, shift across ecological gradients in the central Red Sea. Diversity 11(2):18

Majoris, JE; Catalano, KA; Scolar, D; Atema, J; Buston, PM (2019) Ontogeny of larval swimming abilities in three species of coral reef fishes and a hypothesis for their impact on the spatial scale of dispersal. Marine Biology 

Pearman, JK; Aylagas, E; Voolstra, CR; Anlauf, H; Villalobos, R; Carvalho, S (2019) Disentangling the complex microbial community of coral reefs using standardized Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS). Molecular Ecology 28:3496-3507

Queiroz, N; Humphries, NE; … Braun, CD;Berumen, ML; … Cochran, JEM; … et al (2019) Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature 572, 461-466

Rueger, T; Harrison, HB; Gardiner, NM; Berumen, ML; Jones, GP (2019) Extra-pair mating in a socially monogamous and paternal mouth-brooding cardinalfish. Molecular Ecology 28: 2625-2635

Salas, E; Bernardi, G; Berumen, ML; Gaither, MR; Rocha, LA. (2019) RADseq analyses reveal concordant Indian Ocean biogeographic and phylogeographic boundaries in the reef fish Dascyllus trimaculatus. Royal Society Open Science 6:172413

Seveso, D; Arrigoni, R; Montano, S; Maggioni, D; Orlandi, I; Berumen, ML; Galli, P; Vai, M (2019) Investigating the heat shock protein response involved in coral bleaching across scleractinian species in the central Red Sea. Coral Reefs 39(1):85-98

Smallhorn-West, PF; Garvin, JB; … DeCarlo, TM; et al. (2019) Coral reef annihilation, persistence and recovery at Earth’s youngest volcanic island. Coral Reefs

Terraneo, TI; Fusi, M; Hume, B; Arrigoni, R; Voolstra, CR; Benzoni, F; Forsman, Z; Berumen, ML (2019) Environmental latitudinal gradients and host-specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals. Journal of Biogeography 46:2323-2335 

Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F; Baird, AH; Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML (2019) Morphology and molecules reveal two new species of Porites (Scleractinia, Poritidae) from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Systematics and Biodiversity 17(5), 491-508

Titus, BM; Benedict, C; … Berumen, ML; … Reimer, JD; et al (2019) Phylogenetic relationships among the clownfish-hosting sea anemones. Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution 139: 106526

Torquato, F; Range, P; … Berumen, ML; … DiBattista, JD; et al (2019) Consequences of marine barriers for genetic diversity of the coral-specialist yellowbar angelfish from the Northwestern Indian Ocean. Ecology and Evolution 9:11215-11226

Wooster, MK; McMurray, SE; Pawlik, JR; Moran, XAG; Berumen, ML (2019) Feeding and respiration by giant barrel sponges across a gradient of food abundance in the Red Sea. Limnology and Oceanography 64: 1790-1801

Zakroff, C; Mooney, TA; Berumen, ML (2019) Dose-dependence and small-scale variability in responses to ocean acidification during squid, Doryteuthis pealeii, development. Marine Biology 166: 62



Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML; Stolarski, J; Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F. (2018) Uncovering hidden coral diversity: a new cryptic lobophylliid scleractinian from the Indian Ocean. Caldistics DOI: 10.1111/cla.12346.

Baalkhuyur, FM; Bin Dahaish, EJA; Elhalwagy, MEA; Alikunhi, NM; AlSuwailem, AM; Røstad, A; Coker, DJ; Berumen, ML; Duarte, CM (2018). Microplastic in the gastrointestinal tract of fishes along the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131(A):407-415

Benzoni, F; Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML, Taviani, M; Bongaerts, P; Frade, PR . (2018) Morphological and genetic divergence between Mediterranean and Carribean populations of Madracis pharensis (Heller 1816) (Scleractinia, Pocilloporidae): too much for one species? Zootaxa 4471:473-492. 

He, S; Harrison, HB; Berumen, ML (2018). Species delineation and hybrid identification using diagnostic nuclear markers for Plectropomus leopardus and Plectropomus maculatus. Fisheries Research 206:287-291

He, S; Planes, S; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Berumen, ML (2018) Diagnostic nuclear markers for hybrid Nemos in Kimbe Bay, PNG - Amphiprion chrysopterus x Amphiprion sandaracinos hybrids

Hoeksema, BW; ten Hove, HA; Berumen, ML (2018). A three-way association causing coral injuries in the Red Sea. Bulletin of Mar Sci DOI: 10.5343/bms.2018.0006.

Hoey, AS; Berumen, ML; Bonaldo, RM; Burt, JA; Feary, DA; Ferreira, CEL; Floeter, SR; Nakamura, Y (2018). The ecology of parrotfish in marginal reef systems. In: Hoey, AS; Bonaldo, RM(eds) Biology of Parrotfishes. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 276-301.

Hozumi, A; Kaartvedt, S; Røstad, A; Berumen, ML; Cochran, JEM; Jones, BH (2018). Acoustic backscatter at a Red Sea whale shark aggregation site. Regional Studies in Marine Science 20:23-33. 

Hughes, TP; Anderson, KD; Connolly, SR; Heron, SF; Kerry, JT; Lough, JM; Baird, AH; Baum, JK; Berumen, ML; et al. (2018) Spatial and temporal patterns of mass bleaching of corals in the Anthropocene.  Science 359(6371): 80-83.

Ivanenko, VN; Hoeksema, BW; Mudrova, SV; Nikitin, MA; Martinez, A; Rimskaya-Korsakova, NN; Berumen, ML; Fontaneto, D (2018). Lack of host specificity of copepod crustaceans associated with mushroom corals in the Red Sea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution DOI:10.1016/j.ympev2018.06.024

Lehmann, R; Lightfoot, DJ; Schunter, CM; Michell, CT; Ohyanagi, H; Mineta, K; Foret, S; Berumen, ML; Miller, DJ; Aranda, M; Gojobori, T; Munday, PL; Ravasi, T (2018). Finding Nemo’s Genes: A chromosome-scale reference assembly of the genome of the orange clownfish Amphiprion percula.  Available:

Maggioni, D; Arrigoni, R; Galli, P; Berumen, ML; Seveso, S; Montano, S. (2018) Polyphyly of the genus Zanclea and family Zancleidae (Hydrozoa, Capitata) revealed by the integrative analysis of two bryozoan-associated species. Contributions to Zoology 87(2):87-104.

Monroe, AA; Ziegler, M; Roik A; Röthig, T; Hardenstine, RS; Emms, MA; Jensen, T; Voolstra, CR; Berumen, ML (2018). In situ observations of coral bleaching in the central Saudi Arabian Red Sea during the 2015/2016 global coral bleaching event. PLOS One 13(3): e0195814

Pearman, JK; Leray, M; Villalobos, R; Machida, RJ; Berumen, ML; Knowlton, N; Carvalho, S (2018). Cross-shelf investigation of coral reef cryptic benthic organisms reveals diversity patterns of the hidden majority. Scientific Reports 8:8090. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26332-5 

Sequeira, AMM; Rodriguez, JP;… Berumen, ML; et al. (2018). Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in the coastal and open oceans. PNAS DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1716137115

Shelyakin, PV; Garushyants, SK; Nikitin, MA; Mudrova, SV; Berumen, ML; Speksnijder, AG; ... & Ivanenko, VN (2018). Microbiomes of gall-inducing copepod crustaceans from the corals Stylophora pistillata (Scleractinia) and Gorgonia ventalina (Alcyonacea). Scientific reports 8(1), 11563.

Stampar, SN; El Didi, SO; Paulay, G; Berumen, ML. (2018) A new species of Arachnanthus from the Red Sea (Cnidaria, Ceriantharia). Zookeys 748:1-10.

Terraneo, TI; Arrigoni, R; Benzoni, F; Forsman, ZH; Berumen, ML (2018) Using ezRAD to reconstruct the complete mitochondrial genome of Porites fontanesii (Cnidaria: Scleractinia). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3(1): 173-164.

Terraneo, TI; Arrigoni, R; Benzoni, F; Forsman, ZH; Berumen, ML (2018) The complete mitochondrial genome of Porites harrisoni (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) obtained using next-generation sequencing. Mitochonrial DNA Part B 3(1): 286-287.

Titus, BM; Daly, M; Hamilton, N; Berumen, ML; Baeza, JA (2018). Global species delimitation and phylogeography of the circumtropical ‘sexy shrimp’ Thor amboinensis reveals a cryptic species complex and secondary contact in the Indo-West Pacific. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13231

Troyer, EM; Coker, DJ; Berumen, ML (2018). Comparison of cryptobenthic fish communities among microhabitats in the Red Sea. PeerJ 6:e5014 DOI:10.7717/peerj.5014



Abesamis, RA; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Berumen, ML; Bode, M; Jadloc, CRL; Solera, LA; Villanoy, CL; Bernardo, LPC;  Alcala, AC; Russ, GR. (2017) Reef-fish larval dispersal patterns validate no-take marine reserve network connectivity that links human communities. Coral Reefs 36(3): 791-801.

Almany, G; Planes, S; Thorrold, S; Berumen, M; Bode, M; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Bonin, M; Frisch, A; Harrison, H; Messmer, V; Nanninga, G; Priest, M; Srinivasan, M; Sinclair-Taylor, T; Williamson, D; Jones, G (2017) Larval fish dispersal in a coral reef seascape. Nature Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0148

Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML; Huang, D; Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F (2017) Cyphastrea (Cnidaria : Scleractinia : Merulinidae) in the Red Sea: phylogeny and a new reef coral species. Invertebrate Systematics 31:141-156.

Arrigoni, R; Vacherie, B; Benzoni, F; Stefani, F; Karsenti, E; Jaillon, O; Not, F; Nunes, F; Payri, C; Wincker, P; Barbe, V. (2017) A new sequence dataset of SSU rRNA gene for Scleractinia and its phylogenetic and ecological applications. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12640

Berumen, M; DiBattista, J; Rocha, L (2017) Introduction to virtual issue on Red Sea and western Indian Ocean biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 44(9):1923-1926. 

Castrillon-Cifuentes, AL; Lozano-Cortes, DF; Zapata, FA (2017) Effect of short-term subaerial exposure on the cauliflower coral, Pocillopora damicornis, during a simulated extreme low-tide event. Coral Reefs. doi: 10.1007/s00338-017-1552-2

Catania, D; Richlen, ML; Mak, YL; Morton, SL; Laban, EH; Xu, Y; Anderson, DM; Chan, LL; Berumen, ML. (2017) The prevalence of benthic dinoflagellates associated with ciguatera fish poisoning in the central Red Sea. Harmful Algae 68:206-216.

Coker, DJ; Chaidez, V; Berumen, ML (2017) Habitat use and spatial variability of hawkfishes with a focus on colour polymorphism in Paracirrhites forsteri. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169079.

Coker, DJ; Nowicki, JP; Graham, NAJ (2017). Influence of coral cover and structural complexity on the accuracy of visual surveys of coral‐reef fish communities. Journal of Fish Biology. doi: 10.1111/jfb.13298

Coker, DJ; DiBattista, JD; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Berumen, ML. (2017) Spatial patterns of cryptobenthic coral-reef fishes in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 37(1): 193-199.  

DiBattista, JD; Coker, DJ; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Stat, M; Berumen, ML; Bunce, M. (2017) Assessing the utility of eDNA as a tool to survey reef-fish communities in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 36(40): 1245-1252.

DiBattista, JD; Gaither, MR; Hobbs, JPA; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Piatek, MJ; Bowen, BW; Rocha, LA; Choat, JH; McIlwain, JH; Priest, MA; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Berumen, ML. (2017) Comparative phylogeography of reef fishes from the Gulf of Aden to the Arabian Sea reveals two cryptic lineages. Coral Reefs 36(2):625-638.

DiBattista, JD; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Piatek, MJ; Wang, X; Aranda, M; Berumen, ML. (2017) Using a butterflyfish genome as a general tool for RAD-Seq studies in specialized reef fish. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12662.

Harrison, HB; Berumen, ML; Saenz-Agudelo, P;  Salas, E; Williamson, DH; Jones, GP. (2017) Widespread hybridization and bidirectional introgression in sympatric species of coral reef fish. Molecular Ecology 26(20):5692-5704.

Harrison, HB; Prarchett, MS; Messmer, V; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Berumen, ML. (2017) Microsatellites reveal genetic homogeneity among outbreak populations of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Diversity 9(1):16.

He, S; Johansen, JL; Hoey, AS; Pappas, MK; Berumen, ML. (2017) Molecular confirmation of hybridization between Dascyllus reticulatus x Dascyllus aruanus from the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biodiversity doi: 10.1007/s12526-017-0819-8

Johansen, JL; He, S; Frank, G; Pappas, MK; Berumen, ML; Hoey, AS. (2017) Hybridization between damselfishes on the Great Barrier Reef, Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus. Coral Reefs. doi:10.1007/s00338-017-1563-z

Isari, S; Pearman, JK; Casas, L; Michell, CT; Curdia, J; Berumen, ML; Irogien, X. (2017) Exploring the larval fish community of the central Red Sea with an integrated morphological and molecular approach. PloS One 12(8):e0182503.

Kattan, A; Coker, DJ, Berumen, ML (2017) Reef fish communities in the central Red Sea show evidence of asymmetrical fishing pressure. Marine Biodiversity doi:10.1007/s12526-017-0665-8

Khalil, M; Bouwmeester, J; Berumen, ML (2017) Spatial variation in coral reef fish and benthic communities in the central Saudi Arabian Red Sea. PeerJ 5:e3410

Maggioni, D; Galli, P; Berumen, ML; Arrigoni, R; Seveso, D; Montano, S (2017) Astrocoryne cabela, gen. nov. et sp. nov.(Hydrozoa: Sphaerocorynidae), a new sponge-associated hydrozoan. Invertebrate Systematics 31:734-46.

Maggioni, D; Montano, S; Arrigoni, R; Galli, P; Puce, S; Pica, D; Berumen, ML. (2017) Genetic diversity of the Acropora-associated hydrozoans: new insight from the Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity. doi: 10.1007/s12526-017-0632-4

Messmer, V; Pratchett, MS; Hoey, AS; Tobin, AJ; Coker, DJ; Cooke, SJ; & Clark, TD (2017). Global warming may disproportionately affect larger adults in a predatory coral reef fish. Global change biology, 23: 2230-2240 doi:10.1111/gcb.13552

Montano, S; Fattorini, S; Parravicini, V; Berumen, ML; Galli, P; Maggioni, D; Arrigoni, R; Seveso, S; Strona, G (2017) Coral hosting symbiotic hydrozoans are less susceptible to predation and disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284:2017-2405.

Norman, BM; Holmberg, JA; Arzoumanian, Z;… Berumen, ML; et al. (2017) Undersea constellations: the global biology of an endangered marine megavertebrate further informed through citizen science. BioScience 67(12):1029-1043.

Ngugi, DK; Miyake, S; Cahill, M; Vinu, M; Hackmann, T; Blom, J; Tietbohl, M; Berumen, ML; Stingl, U. (2017). Genomic diversification of giant enteric symbionts reflects host dietary lifestyles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, E7592–E7601.

Pappas, MK; He, S; Hardenstine, RS; Kanee, H; Berumen, ML (2017). Genetic diversity of giant clams (Tridacna spp.) and their associated Symbiodinium in the central Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity 47(4):1209-1222.

Pinsky, ML; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Salles, OC; Almany, GR; Bode, M; Berumen, ML; Andrefouet, S; Thorrold, SR; Jone, GP; Planes, S. (2017) Marine dispersal scales are congruent over evolutionary and ecological time. Current Biology 27(1): 149-154.

Prudkovsky, AA; Nikitin, MA; Berumen, ML; Ivanenko, SN; Reimer, JD. (2017) On the paraphyly of Cytaeididae and placement of Cytaeis within the suborder Filifera (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata). Marine Biodiversity 47(4): 1057-1064.  

Reimer J; Herrera, M; Gatins, R; Roberts, MB; Parkinson, JE; Berumen, ML. (2017) Latitudinal variation in the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium of the common reef zoantharian Palythoa tuberculosa on the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. Journal of Biogeography 44(3):661-673.

Reimer, J; Montenegro, J; Santos, M; Low, M; Herrera, M; Gatins, R; Roberts, M; Berumen, M (2017) Zooxanthellate zoantharians (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Zoantharia: Brachycnemina) in the northern Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity 47(4):1079-1091.

Soliman, T; Aly, W; Fahim, RM; Berumen, ML; Jenke-Kodama, H; Bernardi, G. (2017) Comparative population genetic structure of redbelly tilapia (Coptodon zillii (Gervais, 1848)) from three different aquatic habitats in Egypt. Ecology and Evolution 7(24): 11092-11099. 

Spaet, JLY; Lam, CH; Braun, CD; Berumen, ML. (2017) Extensive use of mesopelagic waters by a Scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) in the Red Sea. Animal Biotelemetry 5(1): 20

Terraneo, TI; Arrigoni, R; Benzoni, F; Tietbohl, M; Berumen, ML (2017) Exploring genetic diversity of shallow-water Agariciidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity 47:1065-1078.

Torda, G; Donelson, JM;… Berumen, ML; et al. (2017) Rapid adaptive responses to climate change in corals. Nature Climate Change 7(9):627.

Voigt, O; Erpenbeck, D; González-Pech, RA; Al-Aidaroos, AM; Berumen, ML; Wörheide, G. (2017) Calcinea of the Red Sea: providing a DNA barcode inventory with description of four new species. Marine Biodiversity 47(4):1009-1034.




Ahti, P; Colemen, R; DiBattista, J; Berumen, M; Rocha, L; Bowen, B. (2016) Phylogeography of the Indo-Pacific reef fishes: Sister wrasses Coris gaimard and C. ouvieri in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. Journal of Biogeography doi:10.1111/jbi.12712

Arrigoni, R; Benzoni, F; Huang, D; Fukami, H; Chen, CA; Berumen, ML; Hoogenboom, M; Thomson, DP; Hoeksema, BW; Budd, AF; Zayasu, Y;Terraneo, TI; Kitano, YF; Baird, AH (2016) When forms meet genes: revision of the scleractinian genera Micromussa and Homophyllia (Lobophylliidae) with a description of two new species and one new genus. Contributions to Zoology 85: 387-422.

Arrigoni, R; Benzoni, F; Terraneo, TI; Caragnano, A; Berumen, ML (2016) Recent origin and semi-permeable species boundaries in the scleractinian coral genus Stylophora from the Red Sea. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep34612

Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML; Chen, CA; Terraneo, TI; Bair, AH; Payri, C; Benzoni, F (2016) Species delimitation in the reef coral genera Echinophyllia and Oxypora (Scleractinia, Lobophylliidae) with a description of two new species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 105, 146-159. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.08.023

Bonin, M; Harrison, H; Williamson, D; Frisch, A; Saenz- Agudelo, P; Berumen, M; Jones, G. (2016) The role of marine reserves in the replenishment of a locally-impacted population of anemonefish on the Great Barrier Reef. Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/mec.13484

Bonin, MC; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Harrison, HB; Nanninga, GB; van der Meer, MH;  Mansour, H; Perumal, S; Jones, GP; and Berumen, ML (2016). Characterization and cross-amplification of microsatellite markers in four species of anemonefish (Pomacentridae, Amphiprion spp.). Marine Biodiversity 46(1): 135-140. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-015-0336-6

Bouwmeester, J; Gatins, R; Giles, EC; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Berumen, ML. (2016) Spawning of coral reef invertebrates and a second spawning season for scleractinian coral in the central Red Sea. Invertebrate Biology 135(3): 273-284.

Cochran, JEM; Hardenstine, RS; Braun, CD; Skomal, GB; Thorrold, SR; Berumen, ML. (2016) Population structure of a whale shark Rhincodon typus aggregation in the Red Sea. J. Fish Biol. doi:10.1111/jfb.13054

Coker DJ; Braun CD; Cavin J; Payet S; Berumen ML (2016) Remote marine protected area reveals unusual social behaviour in Chaetodon trifascialis. Marine Biodiversity doi: 10.1007/s12526-016-0531-0

Coleman, RR: Eble, JA; DiBattista, JD;  Rocha, LA; Randall, JE; Berumen, ML; Bowen, BW. (2016) Regal phylogeography: Range-wide survey of the marine angelfish Pygoplites diacanthus reveals evolutionary partitions between the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 100:243-253.

DiBattista, JD; Choat, J; Gaither, MR; Hobbs, J-PA; Lozano-Cortés, D F; Myers, RF; Paulay, G; Rocha, LA; Toonen, RJ; Westneat, MW and Berumen, ML (2016), On the origin of endemic species in the Red Sea. Journal of Biogeography 43:13-30.

DiBattista, JD; Roberts, MB; Bouwmeester, J; Bowen, BW; Coker, DJ; Lozano‐Cortés, DF; Choat, J; Gaither, MR; Hobbs, J-PA; Khalil, MT; Kochzuis, M; Myers, RF; Paulay, G; Robitzch, VSN; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Salas, E; Sinclair-Taylor, TH; Toonen, RJ; Westneat, MW; Williams, ST; & Berumen, ML (2016). A review of contemporary patterns of endemism for shallow water reef fauna in the Red Sea. Journal of Biogeography 43:423-439.

DiBattista, JD; Wang, X; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Piatek, MJ; Aranda, M; Berumen, ML. (2016) Draft genome of an iconic Red Sea reef fish, the blacktail butterflyfish (Chaetodon austriacus): current status and its characteristics. Molecular Ecology Resources 18(2): 347-355.

DiBattista, JD; Whitney, J; Craig, MT; Hobbs, J-PA; Rocha, LA; Feldheim, KA; Berumen, ML; Bowen, BW. (2016) Surgeons and suture zones: Hybridization among four surgeonfish species in the Indo-Pacific with variable evolutionary outcomes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101:202-2015.

Erpenbeck, D; Voigt, O; Aidaroos, A; Buttner, G; Berumen, M; Catania, D;  Guirguis, A; Paulay, G; Schatzle, S; Worheide, G. (2016) Molecular biodiversity of Red Sea demosponges. Marine Pollution Bulletin doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.12.004

Gatins, R; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Scott, A; Berumen, ML (2016) Development and characterization of new polymorphic microsatellite markers in four sea anemones: Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis magnifica, Stichodactyla gigantean, and Stichodactyla mertensii. Marine Biodiversity doi:10.1007/s12526-016-0576-0

Herrera, M; Nanninga, GB; Planes, S; Jones, GP; Thorrold, SR; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Almany, GR; Berumen, ML (2016) Seascape and life-history traits do not predict self-recruitment in a coral reef fish. Biology Letters 12(8): 20160309

Hoeksema, B; ten Hove,H; Berumen, M (2016) Christmas tree worms evade smothering by a coral-killing sponge in the Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity 46(1):15-16. doi: 10.1007/s12526-015-0339-3 

Hoey, A; Burt, J; Feary, D; Vaughan, G; Pratchett, M;  Berumen, M (2016) Regional variation in the structure and function of parrotfishes on Arabian reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 105(2): 524-531. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.035

Huang, D; Arrigoni, R; Benzoni, F; Fukami, H; Knowlton, N; Smith, ND; Stolarski, J; Chou, LM; Budd, AF (2016) Taxonomic classification of the reef coral family Lobophylliidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 178: 436-481.  doi: 10.1111/zoj.12391

Keith, SA; Maynard, JA; Edaward, AJ; Guest, JR; Bauman, AG; van Hooidonk, R; Heron, SF; Berumen, ML; Bouwmeester, J; Piromvaragorn, S; Rahbek, C; Baird, AH. (2016) Coral mass spawining predicted by rapid seasonal rise in ocean temperature. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283(1830): p. 20160011

Lozano-Cortés, D; Berumen, M (2016) Colony size-frequency distribution of pocilloporid juvenile corals along a natural environmental gradient in the Red Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 105(2):546-552.  doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.10.051

McMahon, KW; Thorrold, SR; Houghton, LA; Berumen, ML. (2016) Tracing carbon flow through coral reef food webs using a compound-specific stable isotope approach. Oecologia 108(3): 809-821. doi:10.​1007/​s00442-015-3475-3

Payet, SD; Hobbs, J-PA; Dibattista, JD; Newman, SJ; Sinclair-Taylor, T; Berumen, ML; McIlwain, J. (2016) Hybridisation among groupers (genus Cephalopholis) at the eastern Indian Ocean suture zone: taxonomic and evolutionary implications. Coral Reefs 35(4): 1157-1169.

Priest, M; DiBattista, J; Mollwain, J; Taylor, B; Hussey, N; Berumen, M (2016) A bridge too far: dispersal barriers and cryptic speciation in an Arabian Peninsula grouper (Cephalopholis hemistiktos). Journal of Biogeography 43(3): 820-832. doi:10.1111/jbi.12681

Prudkovsky, A; Ivanenko, V; Nikitin, M; Belousova, A; Lukyanov, K; Reimer, J; Berumen, M. (2016) Green fluorescence of Cytaeis hydroids living in association with Nassarius gastropods in the Red Sea. PLoS One doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146861

Prudkovsky, A; Nikitin, MA; Berumen, ML; Ivanenko, VN; Reimer, JD. (2016) On the paraphyly of Cytaeididae and placement of Cytaesis within the suborder Filifera (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata). Marine Biodiversity 1-8.

Roberts, M; Jones, G; McCormick, M; Munday, P; Neale, S; Thorrold, S, Robitzch, V; Berumen, M. (2016) Homogeneity of coral reef communities across 8 degrees of latitude in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 105.2: 558-565 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.024

Robitzch V, Lozano-Cortés D, Kandler NM, Salas E, Berumen ML (2016) Productivity and sea surface temperature are correlated with the pelagic larval duration of damselfishes in the Red Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 105(2):566-547.  doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.045

Ryu, T; Loqmane, S; Moitinho-Silva, L; Oates, M; Liew, Y.J.; Mavromatis, C; Wang, X; Haywood, A; Lafi, F; Kupersanin, M; Sougrat, R; Alzahrani, M; Giles, E; Ghosheh, Y; Schunter, C; Baumgarten, S; Berumen, M; Goa, X; Aranda, M; Foret, S; Gough, J; Voolstra, C; Hentschel, U; Ravasi, T. (2016) Hologenome analysis of two marine sponges with different microbiomes. BMC Genomics 17:158.

Salles, OC; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Almany, GR; Berumen, ML; Thorrold, SR; Jones, GP; Planes, S. (2016) Genetic tools link long-term demographic and life-history traits of anemonefish to their anemone hosts. Coral Reefs 35(4):1127-1138.

Spaet, JLY; Nanninga, GB, Berumen, ML. (2016) Ongoing decline of shark populations in the Eastern Red Sea. Biological Conservation 201:20-28. 

Steinberg, R; van der Meer, M; Walker, E; Berumen, M; Hobbs, J-PA; van Herwereden, L. (2016) Genetic connectivity and self-replenishment of inshore and offshore populations of the endemic anemonefish, Amphiprion latezonatus. Coral Reefs 35:959

Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F; Arrigoni, R; Berumen, ML (2016) Species delimitation in the coral genus Goniopora (Scleractinia, Poritidae) from the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 102, 278-294. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.06.003.

Van der Meij, SET; Benzoni, F; Berumen, ML; Naruse, T. (2016) New distribution records of the gall crab Opecarcinus cathyae van der Meij, 2014 (Decopoda: Brachyura: Cryptochiridae) from the Red Sea, Maldives and Japan. Marine Biodiversity. doi: 10.1007/s12526-016-0598-7. 

Waldie, P; Almany, G; Sinclair-Taylor, T; Hamilton, R; Potuku, T; Priest, M; Rhodes, K; Robinson, J; Cinner, J; Berumen, M (2016) Restricted grouper reproductive migrations support community-based management.  Royal Society Open Science 3:150694

Waldrup,E; Hobbs, J-PA; Randall, J; DiBattista, J; Rocha, L; Kosaki, R; Berumen, M; Bowen, B. (2016) Phylogeography population structure and evolution of coral-eating butterfylfishes (Family Chaetodontidae, genus Chaetodon, subgenus, Corallochaetodon). Journal of Biogeography doi:10.1111/jbi.12680

Williamson, DH; Harrison, HB; Almany, GR; Berumen, ML; Bode, M; Bonin, MC; Choukroun, S; Doherty, PJ; Frisch, AJ; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Jones, GP. (2016) Large-scale, multidirectional larval connectivity amoung coral reef fish populations in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Molecular Ecology 25(24):6039-6054.


Arrigoni, R; Berumen, M; Terraneo, T; Caragnano, A; Bouwmeester, J; Benzoni, F (2015) Forgotten in the taxonomic literature: resurrection of the scleractinian coral genus Sclerophyllia (Scleractinia, Lobophylliidae) from the Arabian Peninsula and its phylogenetic relationships. Systematics and Biodiversity 13: 140-163

Bouwmeester, J; Baird, AH; Chen, CJ; Guest, JR; Vicentuan, KC; Berumen, ML. (2015) Multi-species spawning synchrony within scleractinian coral assmeblages in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 34(1):65-77.

Bouwmeester, J; Benzoni, F; Baird, A; Berumen, M (2015) Cyphastrea kausti sp. n. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia), a new species of reef coral from the Red Sea. Zookeys 496: 1-13

Bouwmeester, J; Berumen, M (2015) High reproductive synchrony of Acropora (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. F1000Research, 4:2 doi: 10.12688/f1000research.6004.1

Braun, CD; Skomal, GB; Thorrold, SR; Berumen, ML (2015) Movements of the reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) in the Red Sea using satellite and acoustic telemetry. Marine Biology 162(12): 2351-2362.

Cagua, E; Cochran, J; C Rohner, C Prebble, Sinclair-Taylor, T; Pierce, S; Berumen, M (2015) Acoustic telemetry reveals cryptic residency of whale sharks. Biology Letters 11: 20150092

Coker, DJ; Hoey, AS; Wilson, SK; Depczynski, M; Graham, NAJ; Hobbs, J-PA; Holmes, TH; Pratchett, MS. (2015) Habitat selectivity and reliance on life corals for Indo-Pacific hawkfishes (Family: Cirrhitidae). PLoS ONE 10(11): e0138136. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138136.

Coker, DJ; Nowicki, JP; Pratchett, MS (2015) Body condition of the coral-dwelling fish Dascyllus aruanus following host colony bleaching. Environmental Biology of Fish 98: 691-695

DiBattista, J; Rocha, L; Hobbs, J-PA; He, S; Priest, M; Sinclair-Taylor, T; Bowen, B; Berumen, M (2015) When biogeographical provinces collide: Hybridization of reef fishes at the crossroads of three marine biogeographical provinces in the Arabian Sea. Journal of Biogeography, 42: 1601-1614.

DiBattista, J; Waldrop, E; Rocha, L; Craig, M; Berumen, M; Bowen, B (2015) Blinded by the bright: A lack of congruence between colour morphs, phylogeography, and taxonomy for a cosmopolitan Indo-Pacific butterflyfish, Chaetodon auriga. Journal of Biogeography 42(10): 1919-1929

Fernandez-Silva, I; Randall, J.E.; Coleman, R.R.; DiBattista, J.D.; Rocha, L.A.; Reimer, J.D.; Meyer, C.G.; Bowwn , B.W. (2015) Yellow tails in the Red Sea: phylogeography of the Indo-Pacific goatfish Mulloidichthys flavolineatus reveals isolation in peripheral provinces and cryptic evolutionary lineages. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12598

Giles E. C.; Saenz-Agudelo,P; Hussey, N.E.; Ravasi, T;  Berumen, M.L. Exploring seascape genetics and kinship in the reef sponge Stylissacarteri in the Red Sea, Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1511

Harrison, H; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Al-Salamah, M; Messmer, V; Pratchett, M; Berumen, M (2015) Microsatellite multiplex assay for the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster cf. planci. Conservation Genetic Resources doi: 10.1007/s12686-015-0462-2

Herrera, M.; Saenz-Agudelo, P.; Nanninga, G. B.; and Berumen, M. L. (2015), Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci for conservation genetic studies of the coral reef fish Centropyge bicolor. Journal of Fish Biology, 87: 748–753.

Hobbs J-PA, Coker D J, et al. (2015) An annotated bibliography of the research on marine organisms and environments at Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (IP 0.8)

Jabado, R., W., Al Ghais, S.M., Hamza, W., Henderson, A.C., Spaet, JLY., Shivji, M.S. & Hanner, R.H. (2015) The trade in sharks and their products in the United Arab Emirates. Biological Conservation, 181:190-198. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.10.032

Johansen JL; Pratchett MS; Messmer V; Coker DJ; Tobin A; Hoey AS (2015) Increased energetic demands in a warming ocean will disrupt marine food webs, possibly leading to fisheries collapse. Science Reports

Malvezzi, A; Murray, C; Feldheim, K; DiBattista, J; Garant, D; et al. (2015) A quantitative genetic approach to assess the evolutionary potential of a coastal marine fish to ocean acidification. Evolutionary Applications doi: 10.1111/eva.12248

 Montano, S; Maggioni, D; Arrigoni, R; Seveso, D; Puce, S; Galli, P (2015) The hidden diversity of Zanclea associated with scleractinians revealed by molecular data. PlosOne 10 (7): e0133084

Nanninga GB, Saenz-Agudelo P, Zhan P, Hoteit I, Berumen ML (2015) Not finding Nemo: limited reef-scale retention in a coral reef fish. Coral Reefs:1-10

Priest, M; Almany, G; Braun, C; Hamilton, R; Lozano-Cortés, D; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Berumen, M (2015) Isolation and characterization of 29 microsatellite markers for the bumphead parrotfish, Bolbometopon muricatum, and cross amplification in 11 congeneric species. Marine Biodiversity doi: 10.1007/s12526-014-0278-4

Racault, M-F; Raitsos, D; Berumen, M; Brewin, R; Platt, T; Sathyendranath, S; Hoteit, I (2015) Phytoplankton phenology indices in coral reef ecosystems: application to ocean-colour observations in the Red Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment 160: 222-234  

Reimer, J; Kawamura, I; Berumen, M (2015) First record of Nanozoanthidae from the Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records 8, e19.

Robitzch V, Banguera-Hinestroza E, Sawall Y, Al-Sofyani A, Voolstra CR (2015) Absence of genetic differentiation in the coral Pocillopora verrucosa along environmental gradients of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 2, 1–10. doi:10.3389/fmars.2015.00005

Rohner, C; Armstrong, A; Pierce, S; Prebble, C; Cagua, E; Cochran, J; Berumen, M; Richardson, A (2015) Whale sharks target dense prey patches of sergestid shrimp off Tanzania. Journal of Plankton Research 37: 352-362

Rueger, T; Harrison, H; Jones, G; Mansour, H; Berumen, M (2015) Resolving genealogical relationships in the in the Pyjama cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera (Apogonidae) with 23 novel microsatellite markers. Conservation Genetics Resources doi: 10.1007/s12686-015-0461-3

Saenz-Agudelo, P; Almany, G; Mansour, H; Perumal, S; Berumen, M (2015) Characterization of 11 novel microsatellite markers for the vagabond butterflyfish, Chaetodon vagabundus. Conservation Genetics Resources doi: 10.​1007/​s12686-015-0440-8

Saenz-Agudelo, P; DiBattista, J; Piatek, M; Gaither, M; Harrison, H; Nanninga, G;  Berumen, M. (2015) Seascape genetics along environmental gradients in the Arabian Peninsula: insights from ddRAD sequencing of anemonefishes. Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/mec.13471

Salles OC; Maynard, J; Joannides, J; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Almany, G; Berumen, M; Thorrold, S; Jones, G; Planes, S. (2015) Coral reef fish populations can persist without immigration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B doi:10.1098/rspb.20151311

Spaet, JLY; Berumen, ML (2015) Fish market surveys indicate unsustainable elasmobranch fisheries in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Fisheries Research 161:356-364

Spaet, JLY; Jabado, R.W.; Henderson, A.C.; Moore, A.B.M.; Berumen, M.L (2015). Population genetics of four heavily exploited shark species around the Arabian Peninsula. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1515  

Steinberg, R; van der Meer, M; Hobbs, J-PA; Berumen, M; van Herwerden, L (2015) Characterization of 22 microsatellite loci for conservation genetic studies of an endemic anemonefish, Amphiprion latezonatus. Conservation Genetics Resources 7: 95-97

Uyeno, D; Lasley, R; Moore, J; Berumen, M (2015) New records of Lobatolampea tetragona (Ctenophora: Lobata: Lobatolampeidae) from the Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records 8: e33 

van der Meij, S; Berumen, M; Paulay, G (2015) A new species of Fizesereneia Takeda & Tamura, 1980 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Cryptochiridae) from the Red Sea and Oman. Zootaxa 3931: 585-595

Veilleax, H; Ryu, T; Donelson, J van Herwerden, L; Seridi, L; Ghosheh, Y; Berumen, M; Leggat, W; Ravasi, T; Munday, P (2015) Transcriptome reveals molecular pathways of transgenerational acclimation in a reef fish. Nature Climate Change 5: 1074-1078

van der Meer, MH; Berumen, ML; Hobbs J-PA; van Herwerden, L. (2015). Population connectivity and the effectiveness of marine protected areas to protect vulnerable, exploited and endemic coral reef fishes at an endemic hotspot. Coral Reefs 34(2):393-402.

Waheed, Z; Benzoni, F; van der Meij, SET; Terraneo, TI; Hoeksema, BW (2015) Scleractinian corals (Fungiidae, Agariciidae and Euphylliidae) of Pulau Layang-Layang, Spratly Islands, with a note on Pavona maldivensis (Gardiner, 1905). ZooKeys 517: 1-37.




Alpermann, TJ; Plieske, J; Ahmad, OM; Gon, O; Berumen, ML. (2014) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for Siphamia tubifer Weber (Perciformes, Apogonidae). Conservation Genetics Resources 6(4):1031-1034.

Berumen, ML; Braun, CD; Cochran, JEM; Skomal, GB; Thorrold, SR (2014) Movement Patterns of Juvenile Whale Sharks Tagged at an Aggregation Site in the Red Sea. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103536

Braun, C; Skomal, G; Thorrold, S; Berumen, M (2014) Diving behaviors of the reef manta ray links coral reefs with adjacent pelagic habitats. PLoS ONE 9: e88170.

Cagua, EF; Collins, N; Hancock, J; Rees, R. (2014) Whale shark economics: a valuation of wildlife tourism in South Ari Atoll, Maldives. PeerJ 2:e515

Coker, DJ; Wilson, SK; Pratchett, MS (2014) Importance of live coral habitat for reef fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24 (1): 89-126

De La Torre, PR; Salama, KN; Berumen, ML. (2014) An acoustic system for autonomous navigation and tracking of marine fauna. 2014 IEEE 57th International Midwest Symposium 197-200.

DiBattista, J.D.; Randall, J.E.; Newman, S.J.; and Bowen B.W. (2014) Australian round herring (genus Etrumeus) contain cryptic evolutionary partitions concordant with biogeographic boundaries. Marine Biology 161: 2465-2477.

Feldheim, K.A.; Gruber, S.H.; DiBattista, J.D.; Babcock, E.A.; Kessel, S.A.; Hendry, A.P.; Pikitch, E.K.; Ashley, M.V.; and Chapman, D.D. (2014) Two decades of genetic profiling yields first evidence of natal philopatry and long-term fidelity to parturition sites in sharks. Molecular Ecology 23: 110-117.

Gaither, M.R.; Schultz, J.K.; Bellwood, D.; Rocha, L.; Pyle, R.L.; DiBattista, J.D.; and Bowen, B.W. (2014) Evolution of the pygmy angelfishes: recent divergences, introgression, and the usefulness of color as a taxonomic trait. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 74: 38-47.

Harrison, H; Feldheim, K; Jones, G; Ma, K; Mansour, H; Perumal, S; Williamson, D; Berumen, M (2014) Validation of microsatellite multiplexes for parentage analysis and species discrimination in two hybridising species of coral reef fish (Plectropomus spp., Serranidae). Ecology and Evolution 4:2046–2057 doi: 10.1002/ece3.1002.

Harrison, H; Feldheim, K; Jones, G; Mansour, H; Perumal, S; Williamson, D; Berumen, M (2014) Validation of microsatellite multiplexes for parentage analysis in a coral reef fish (Lutjanus carponotatus, Lutjanidae). Conservation Genetics Resources 6(4):803-806.

Hobbs J-PA, D Coker, P Green, D James, et al. (2014) An annotated bibliography of the research on marine organisms and environments at Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 30: 419-468 

Huang, D; Benzoni, F; Arrigoni, R; Baird, A; Berumen, M; Bouwmeester, J; Chou, L; Fukami, H; Licuanan, W; Lovell, E; Meier, R; Todd, P; Budd, F. (2014) Toward a phylogenetic classification of reef corals: the Indo-Pacific genera Merulina, Goniastrea and Scapophyllia (Scleractinia, Merulinidae). Zoologica Scripta 43: 531-548

Hundt, P; Iglésias, S; Hoey, A; Simons, A (2014) A multilocus molecular phylogeny of combtooth blennies (Percomorpha: Blennioidei: Blenniidae): Multiple invasions of intertidal habitats. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70: 47-56

Ivanenko, V. N.; Moudrova, S. V.; Bouwmeester, J.; Berumen, M. L. (2014) First report of tubular corallites on Stylophora caused by a symbiotic copepod crustacean. Coral Reefs 33: 637

Johansen, LJ; Messmer, V; Coker, DJ; Hoey, AS; Pratchett, MS (2014) Increasing ocean temperatures reduce activity patterns of a large commercially important coral reef fish. Global Change Biology 20: 1067-1074

Nanninga, GB; Berumen, ML (2014) The role of individual variation in marine larval dispersal. Frontiers in Marine Science 1, 71.

Nanninga, G; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Manica, A; Berumen, M (2014) Environmental gradients predict the genetic structure of a coral reef fish in the Red Sea. Molecular Ecology 23: 591-602

Nobel, MM; Pratchett, MS; Coker, DJ; Cvitanovic, C; Fulton, CJ (2014) Foraging in corallivorous butterflyfish varies with wave exposure. Coral Reefs 33: 351-361

O’Bryhim, J.R.; Spaet, JLY; Hyde, J.R.; Jones, K.L.; Adams, D.H.; & Lance, S.L. (2014) Development of microsatellite markers for globally distributed populations of the threatened silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis. Conservation Genetics Resources 7 (2): 463-465

Reimer, J; Uyeno, D; Berumen, M (2014) First records of Parazoanthidae and Microzoanthidae (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) from the Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records 7: e7

Rocha, L; Aleixo, A; Allen, G; Almeda, F; Baldwin, C; Barclay, M; Bates, J; Bauer, A; Benzoni, F; Berns, C; Berumen, M; et al. (2014) Specimen collection: An essential tool. Science 344: 814-815.

Selkoe, K.A.; Gaggiotti, O.E.; Andrews, K.; Bernal, M.A.; Bird, C.; Bolick, H.; Baums, I.; Coleman, R.; Concepcion, G.T.; Craig, M.T.; DiBattista, J.D.; et al. (2014) Emergent patterns of population genetic structure for a coral reef community. Molecular Ecology 23: 3064-3079. 

Spaet, JLY; Elhassan, IS (2014). Geographical distribution and status. 7.3.2 Red Sea. In: Harrison LH, Dulvy NK (eds) Sawfish: A Global Strategy for Conservation, . IUCN Shark Specialist Group: Vancouver, Canada; 58–59

Steinberg, R; van der Meer, M; Hobbs, J-PA; Berumen, M; van Herwerden, L (2014) Characterization of 22 microsatellite loci for conservation genetic studies of an endemic anemonefish, Amphiprion latezonatus. Conservation Genetics Resources 7 (1): 95–97

Terraneo, TI; Berumen, ML; Arrigoni, R; Waheed, Z; Bouwmeester, J; Caragnano, A; Stefani, F; Benzoni, F (2014) Pachyseris inattesa sp. n. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): a new reef coral species from the Red Sea and its phylogenetic relationships. ZooKeys 433: 1–30

Thorrold, S; Afonso, P; Fontes, J; Braun, C; Santos, R; Skomal, G; Berumen, M (2014) Extreme diving behavior in devil rays links surface waters and the deep ocean. Nature Communications 5: 4274

Vignaud, T; Maynard, J; Leblois, R; Meekan, M; Vázquez-Juárez, R; Ramírez-Macías, D; Pierce, S; Rowat, D; Berumen, M; Beeravolu, C; Baksay, S; Planes, S (2014). Genetic structure of populations of whale sharks among ocean basins and evidence for their historic rise and recent decline. Molecular Ecology 23: 2590-2601.

Vignaud, T.M.; Mourier, J.; Maynard, J.A.; Leblois, R.; Spaet, JLY; Clua, E.; Neglia, V.; and Planes, S. (2014) Blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus, have high genetic structure and varying demographic histories in their Indo-Pacific range. Molecular Ecology 23(21):5193-207

Werry, J; Planes, S; Berumen, M; Lee, K; Braun, C; Clua, E (2014) Reef-fidelity and migration of tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, across the Coral Sea. PLoS One 9: e83249



Almany, G; Hamilton, R; Matawai, M; Bode, M; Potuku, T; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Planes, S; Berumen, M; Rhodes, K; Thorrold, S; Russ, G; Jones, G (2013) Dispersal of grouper larvae drives local resource sharing in a coral reef fishery. Current Biology 23: 626-630

Alpermann, T; Mee, J; Berumen, M (2013) First record of the blackfin coral goby, Paragobiodon lacunicolus (Kendall and Goldsborough, 1911), from the Red Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29: 1361-1363

Banguera-Hinestroza, E; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Bayer, T; Berumen, M; Voolstra, C (2013) Characterization of new microsatellite loci for population genetic studies in the Smooth Cauliflower Coral (Stylophora spp). Conservation Genetics Resources doi: 10.1007/s12686-012-9852-x

Berumen, ML; Hoey, AS; Bass, WH; Bouwmeester, J; Catania, D; Cochran, JEM; Khalil, MT; Miyake, S; Mughal, MR; Spaet, JLY; Saenz-Agudelo, P (2013) The status of coral reef ecology research in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs:1-12

Bowen, B; Rocha, L; Bird, C; Karl, S; Eble, J; Skillings, D; Gaither, M; DiBattista, J; Craig, M; Toonen, R (2013) The origins of tropical marine biodiversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 28: 359-366.

Cagua, F; Berumen, M; Tyler, E (2013) Topography and biological noise influence acoustic telemetry on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 32: 1123-1134

DiBattista, J; Berumen, M; Gaither, M; Rocha, L; Eble, J; Choat, J; Craig, M; Skillings, D; Bowen, B (2013) After continents divide: Comparative phylogeography of reef fishes from the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1170-1181

Furby, K; Bouwmeester, J; Berumen, M (2013) Susceptibility of central Red Sea corals during a major bleaching event. Coral Reefs 32: 505-513

Giles, E; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Berumen, M; Ravasi, T (2013) Novel polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for a common reef sponge, Stylissa carteri. Mar Biodiv 43:237-241

Harrison, H; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Planes, S; Jones, G; Berumen, M (2013) On minimising assignment errors and the trade-off between false positives and negatives in parentage analysis. Molecular Ecology 22: 5738-5742

Harrison, H; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Planes, S; Jones, G;  Berumen, M (2013) Relative accuracy of three common methods of parentage analysis in natural populations. Molecular Ecology 22: 1158-1170

Haverkort-Yeh, R; McFadden, C; Halasz, A; Berumen, M; Benayahu, Y; Toonen, R (2013). A systematic survey of Saudi Arabian Alcyonacea (Cnidaria: Octocorallia). Marine Biodiversity 43: 279-291

Hobbs, J-PA; Frisch, A; Ford, B; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Furby, K; Berumen, M (2013) Taxonomic, spatial and temporal patterns of bleaching in anemones inhabited by anemonefishes. PLoS ONE 8: e70966

Khalil, MT; Cochran, JEM; Berumen, M (2013) The abundance of herbivorous fish on an inshore Red Sea reef following a mass coral bleaching event. Environmental Biology of Fishes doi: 10.1007/s10641-012-0103-5

McMahon, K; Hamady, L; Thorrold, S (2013) A review of ecogeochemistry approaches to estimating movements of marine animals. Limnology and Oceanography 58:697-714

McMahon, K; Hamady, L; Thorrold, S (2013) Ocean ecogeochemistry – A review.  Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 51: 327-374

Nanninga, G; Mughal, M; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Bayer,T; Berumen, M (2013) Development of 35 novel microsatellite markers for the two-band anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 515-518

Noble, M; van Laake, G; Berumen, M; Fulton, C (2013) Community change within a Caribbean coral reef marine protected area following two decades of local management. PLoS ONE 8: e54069

Pineda, J; Starczak, V; Tarrant, A; Blythe, J; Davis, K; Farrar, T; Berumen, M; da Silva, J (2013) Two spatial scales in a bleaching event: corals from the mildest and the most extreme thermal environments escape mortality. Limnology & Oceanography 58: 1531–1545

Pratchett, M; Hoey, A; Feary, D; Bauman, A; Burt, J; Riegl, B (2013). Functional composition of Chaetodon butterflyfishes at a peripheral and extreme coral reef location, the Persian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 72: 333-341

Randall, J.E. and DiBattista, J.D. (2013) A new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from the Indian Ocean. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology 19: 1-16.

Riegl, B; Berumen, M; Bruckner, A(2013) Coral population trajectories, increased disturbance and management intervention: a sensitivity analysis. Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.519

Roder, C; Berumen, ML; Bouwmeester, J; Papathanassiou, E; Al-Suwailem, A; Voolstra, CR (2013) First biological measurements of deep-sea corals from the Red Sea. Sci Rep 3

Siepielsk, A; Gotanda, K; Morrissey, M; Diamond, S; DiBattista, J; Carlson, S (2013) The spatial patterns of directional phenotypic selection. Ecology Letters 16: 1382–1392

Spaet, J. (2013) Predictable annual aggregation of longnose parrotfish (Hipposcarus harid) in the Red Sea. Marine Biodiversity 43 (3): 179-180

Tornabene, L: Ahmadia, GN; Berumen, ML; Smith, DJ; Jompa, J; Pezold, F (2013) Evolution of microhabitat association and morphology in a diverse group of cryptobenthic coral reef fishes (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Eviota). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:391-400

van der Meer, M; Gardner, M; Berumen, M; Hobbs, J-PA; van Herwerden, L (2013) Identification of seventeen microsatellite loci for conservation genetic studies of the endemic wrasse Coris bulbifrons. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 363-366

Walter, R; Hussey, N; Kessel, S; Fisk, A; Heath, D; Chekchak, T; Klaus, R; Younis, M; Hill, G;Jones, B; Braun, C; Berumen, M; DiBattista, J; Priest, M; Alhasan, N (2013). First record of living Manta birostris x Manta alfredi hybrid. Marine Biodiversity 44: 1-2



Abreu, AG; Albaina, A; Alpermann, TJ; Apkenas, VE; Bankhead-Dronnet, S; Bergek, S; Berumen, ML; Cho, CH; Clobert, J; Coulon, A; De Feraudy, D; Estonba, A; Hankeln, T; Hochkirch, A; Hsu, TW; Huang, TJ; Irigoien, X; Iriondo, M; Kay, KM; Kinitz, T; Kothera, L; Le Henanff, M; Lieutier, F; Lourdais, O; Macrini, CMT; Manzano, C; Martin, C; Morris, VRF; Nanninga, GB; et al. (2012) Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 October 2011-30 November 2011. Molecular Ecology Resources, 12(2): 374-376

Alpermann, T; Wicker, F; Nanninga, G; Plieske, J; Berumen, M (2012) Development of microsatellite markers for the Arabian damselfish, Dascyllus marginatus (Rüppell, 1820) (Actinopterygii, Pomacentridae). Molecular Ecology Resources. Published online at:

Baird, AH; Campbell, SJ; Fadli, N; Hoey, AS; Rudi, E (2012) The shallow water hard corals of Pulau Weh, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 5:23-28

Bellwood, DR; Baird, AH; Depczynski, M; Gonzalez-Cabello, A; Hoey, AS; Lefevre, C; Tanner, JK (2012) Coral recovery may not herald the return of fishes on damaged coral reefs. Oecologia (DOI: 10.1007/s00442-012-2306-z).

Bellwood, DR; Hoey, AS; Hughes,TP (2012) Human activity selectively impacts the ecosystem roles of parrotfishes on coral reefs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:1621-1629.

Berumen, M; Almany, G; Planes, S; Jones, G; Saenz-Agudelo, P; Thorrold, S (2012) Persistence of self-recruitment and patterns of larval connectivity in a marine protected area network. Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.208

Berumen, M; Trip, E; Choat, J; Pratchett, M (2012) Differences in demographic traits of four butterflyfish species between two reefs of the Great Barrier Reef separated by 1,200 km. Coral Reefs 31: 169-177

Campbell, SJ; Cinner, JE; Ardiwijaya, S; Pardede, S; Kartawijaya, T; Mukmunin, A; Herdiana, Y; Hoey, AS; Pratchett, MS; Baird, AH (2012) Avoiding conflicts and protecting coral reefs: customary management benefits marine habitats and fish biomass. Oryx (accepted 28th Feb 2012).

de la Torre, P; Smith, L; Salama, K; Berumen, M (2012) The integrated satellite-acoustic telemetry (iSAT) system for tracking marine megafauna. The Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Oceans Meeting

Emslie, MJ; Logan, M; Ceccarelli, DM; Cheal, AJ; Hoey, AS; Miller, I; Sweatman, HPA (2012) Regional scale variation in the distribution and abundance of farming damselfishes on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biology 159: 1293-1304.

Goatley, CHR; Hoey, AS; Bellwood, DR (2012) The role of turtles as coral reef macroherbivores. PLoS ONE 7:e39979

Harrison, H; Williamson, D; Evans, R; Almany, G; Thorrold, S; Russ, G; Feldheim, K; Herwerden, L van; Planes, S; Srinivasan, M; Berumen, M; Jones, G (2012) Marine reserves, larval connectivity and recruitment benefits to fish and fisheries. Current Biology 22: 1-6

Hoey, AS; Bellwood, DR; Barnett, A (2012) To feed or to breed: morphological constraints of mouthbrooding in coral reef cardinalfishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 2426-2432

Lawton, R; Cole, A; Berumen, M; Pratchett, M (2012) Geographical variation in resource use by specialist versus generalist butterflyfishes. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07326.x

McMahon, KW; Berumen, ML; Thorrold, SR (2012) Linking habitat mosaics and connectivity in a coral reef seascape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science doi: 10.1073/pnas.1206378109

Pratchett, MS; Hoey, AS; Coker, D; Gardiner, N (2012) Interdependence between reef fishes and scleractinian corals. Proc 12th Int Coral Reef Symp, Cairns

Priest, M. A., Halford, A. R. and McIlwain, J. L. (2012), Evidence of stable genetic structure across a remote island archipelago through self-recruitment in a widely dispersed coral reef fish. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.260

Rudi, E; Campbell, SJ; Hoey, AS; Fadli, N; Linkie, M; Baird, AH (2012) The coral triangle initiative: what are we missing? A case study from Aceh. Oryx (accepted 8th Feb 2012).

Saenz-Agudelo, P; Jones, GP; Thorrold, SR; Planes, S (2012) Patterns and persistence of larval retention and connectivity in a marine fish metapopulation. Molecular Ecology DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05726.x

Spaet, J; Thorrold, S; Berumen, M (2012) A review of the status of elasmobranch research in the Red Sea. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 952-965 



Berumen, M, Pratchett, M; Goodman, B (2011) Relative gut lengths of coral reef butterflyfishes (Pisces: Chaetodontidae). Coral Reefs doi: 10.1007/s00338-011-0791-x

Bouwmeester, J; Baird, A; Berumen, M (2011) Daytime spawning of Pocillopora verrucosa in the Red Sea. Galaxea 13: 23-24

Bouwmeester, J; Khalil, MT; de la Torre, P; Berumen, M (2011) Synchronous spawning of Acropora in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 30:1011-1011

Hoey, AS; Pratchett, MS; Cvitanovic, C (2011) High macroalgal cover and low coral recruitment undermines the potential resilience of the world’s southernmost coral reef assemblage. PLoS ONE 6:e25824

Lawton, R; Pratchett, M; Berumen, M (2012) The use of specialisation indices to predict vulnerability of coral-feeding butterflyfishes to environmental change. Oikos 121: 191-200

McMahon, K; Berumen, M; Mateo, I; Elsdon, T; Thorrold, S (2011) Stable isotope signatures in otolith amino acids of juvenile snapper (Family: Lutjanidae) record habitat-specific isoscapes from coastal nurseries. Coral Reefs 30: 1135-1145

Ochavillo, D; Tofaeonoa, S; Sabatera, M; Trip, E (2011) Population structure of Ctenochaetus striatus (Acanthuridae) in Tutuila, American Samoa: The use of size-at-age data in multi-scale population size surveys. Fisheries Research 107: 14-21

Pratchett, MS; Hoey, AS; Wilson, SK; Messmer, V; Graham, NAJ (2011) Changes in biodiversity and functioning of reef fish assemblages following coral bleaching and coral loss. Diversity 3: 424-452

Pratchett, M; Trapon, M; Berumen, M; Chong-Seng, K (2011) Recent disturbances augment community shifts in coral assemblages in Moorea, French Polynesia. Coral Reefs 30:183-193

Spaet, J; Cochran, J; Berumen, M (2011) First record of the pigeye shark (Müller & Henle 1839), Carcharhinus amboinensis (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae), in the Red Sea. Zoology in the Middle East 52:118-121

Trip, E, Clements, K; Raubenheimer, D; Choat, J (2011) Reproductive biology of an odacine labrid, Odax pullus. Journal of Fish Biology 78: 741-761

Trip, E; Raubenheimer, D; Clements, K; Choat, J (2011) Reproductive demography of a temperate protogynous and herbivorous fish, Odax pullus (Labridae, Odacini). Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 176-186

Tyler, E; Manica, A; Jiddawi, N; Speight, M (2011) A role for partially protected areas on coral reefs: maintaining fish diversity? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21(3): 231-238



Berumen, M; Walsh, H; Raventos, N; Planes, S; Jones, G; Starczak, V; Thorrold, S (2010) Otolith geochemistry does not reflect dispersal history of clownfish larvae. Coral Reefs 29:883–891

Berumen, M & R Rotjan (2010) New records of corallivory in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 29: 727

Wilson, S; Adjeroud, M; Bellwood, D; Berumen, M; Booth, D; Bozec, Y-Marie; Chabanet, P; Cheal, A; Cinner, J; Depczynski, M; Feary, D; Gagliano, M; Graham, N; Halford, A; Halpern, B; Harborne, A; Hoey, A; Holbrook, S; Jones, G; Kulbicki, M; Letourneur, Y; De Loma, T; McClanahan, T; McCormick, M; Meekan, M; Mumby, P; Munday, P; Öhman, M; Pratchett, M; Riegl, B; Sano, M; Schmitt, R; Syms, C (2010) Crucial knowledge gaps in current understanding of climate change impacts on coral reef fishes. The Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 894-900



Berumen, M; Rochel, E; Almany, G; Thorrold, S; Jones, G; Pratchett, M; Syms, C; Planes, S (2009) Isolation and characterization of 15 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite primers for the widespread Indo-Pacific vagabond butterflyfish, Chaetodon vagabundus. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Berumen, M, G Almany (2009) External tagging does not affect the feeding behavior of a coral reef fish, Chaetodon vagabundus (Pisces: Chaetodontidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 86: 447–450

Harborne, A; Renaud, P; Tyler, E; Mumby, P (2009) Reduced density of the herbivorous urchin Diadema antillarum inside a Caribbean marine reserve linked to increased predation by fishes. Coral Reefs 28: 783-791

McCook, L; Almany, G; Berumen, M; Day, J; Green, A; Jones, G; Leis, J; Planes, S; Russ, G; Sale, P; Thorrold, S (2009) The challenge of incorporating connectivity science into coral reef management now: principles and practice. Coral Reefs 28: 353–366

Munday, P; Leis, J; Lough, J; Paris, C; Kingsford, M; Berumen, M; Lambrechts, J (2009) Climate change and coral reef connectivity. Coral Reefs 28: 379-395

Tyler, E, M Speight, P Henderson, and A Manica (2009) Evidence for a depth refuge effect in artisanal coral reef fisheries. Biological Conservation 142 (3): 652-667

Webb, T; Tyler, E; Somerfield, P (2009) Life history mediates large-scale population ecology in marine benthic taxa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 396: 293-306



Berumen, M (2008) “Life” in movies: Using students’ interest in popular cinema to promote science learning. The Science Teacher Dec 08: 26-31

Berumen, M, M Pratchett (2008) Trade-offs associated with dietary specialization for corallivorous butterflyfishes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 989-994

Gregson, M; Pratchett, M; Berumen, M; Goodman, B (2008) Relationships between butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) feeding rates and coral consumption on the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 27:583-591

MacNeil, M; Tyler, E; Fonnesbeck, C; Rushton, S; Conroy, M; Polunin, N (2008). Accounting for detectability in reef-fish biodiversity estimates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 367: 249-260.

Pratchett, M & M Berumen (2008) Inter-specific variation in distributions and diets of coral reef butterflyfishes (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae). Journal of Fish Biology 73: 1730-1747

Pratchett, M, M Berumen, M Marnane, J Eagle, D Pratchett (2008) Habitat associations of juvenile versus adult butterflyfishes. Coral Reefs 27: 541-551

Trip, E, J Choat, D Wilson, Robertson (2008) Inter-oceanic analysis of demographic variation in a widely distributed Indo-Pacific coral reef fish. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 373: 97-109



Almany, G; Berumen, M; Thorrold, S; Planes, S; Jones, G (2007) Local replenishment of coral reef fish populations in a marine reserve. Science 316: 742-744

Berumen, M (2005) The importance of juveniles in modeling growth: butterflyfish at Lizard Island. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72: 409-413  

Berumen, M & M Pratchett (2006) Effects of resource availability on the competitive behavior of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae). Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. 644-650

Berumen, M & M Pratchett (2006) Recovery without resilience: Persistent disturbance and long-term shifts in the structure of fish and coral communities at Tiahura Reef, Moorea. Coral Reefs 25: 647-653

Berumen, M; Pratchett, M; McCormick, M (2005) Within-reef differences in diet and body condition of coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae). Marine Ecology Progress Series 287: 217-227

Pratchett, M; Wilson, S; Berumen, M; McCormick, M (2004) Sub-lethal effects of coral bleaching on an obligate coral feeding butterflyfish. Coral Reefs 23: 352-256


Book Editing

Voolstra, CR & ML Berumen (editors). Coral Reefs of the Red Sea. Springer International Publishing (2019)

Chap 1: The Red Sea: Environmental Gradients Shape a Natural Laboratory in a Nascent Ocean. Berumen, ML; Voolstra, CR; Daffonchio, D; Agusti, S; Aranda,  M; Irigoien, X; Jones, BH; Moran, XAG; Duarte, CM

Chap 3: Ecophysiology of Reef-Building Corals in the Red Sea. Ziegler, M; Roik, A; Rothig, T; Wild, C; Radecker, N; Bouwmeester, J; Voolstra CR

Chap 3: Ecophysiology of Reef-Building Corals in the Red Sea. Ziegler, M; Roik, A; Rothig, T; Wild, C; Radecker, N; Bouwmeester, J; Voolstra CR

Chap 6: Sponges of the Red Sea. Wooster, MK; Voigt, O; Erpenbeck, D; Worheide, G; Berumen, ML

Chap 7: Corals of the Red Sea. Berumen, MLArrigoni, RBouwmeester, J; Terraneo, TI; Benzoni, F

Chap 8: Berumen, MLRoberts, MBSinclair-Taylor, THDiBattista, JDSaenz-Agudelo, P; Isari, S; He, S; Khalil, MTHardenstine, RSTietbohl, MDPriest, MAKattan, ACoker, DJ


Pratchett, MS & ML Berumen (editors). Biology of Butterflyfishes. CRC Press (2013) 

Chap 3: Diversity in diet and feeding behaviour of butterflyfishes; reliance on reef corals versus reef habitats. A Cole, M Pratchett, & ML Berumen

Chap 7: Social systems and behavioural ecology of butterflyfishes (genus: Chaetodon). S Yabuta & ML Berumen

Chap 11: Butterflyfishes as potential biological indicators of coral reef health. M Crosby, E Reese, & ML Berumen

Chap 12: Contributions of butterflyfishes to further understanding reef fish ecology. M Pratchett, D Feary, A Hoey, C Fulton, R Lawton, & ML Berumen


Chap 2: Functional morphology of the Chaetodontidae. N Konow & L Ferry-Graham (ML Berumen, ed.)

Chap 4: Corallivory: The coral’s point of view. E Cox (ML Berumen, ed.)

Chap 6: Biogeography of butterflyfishes: a model for reef fishes? M Kulbicki., L Vigliola, L Wantiez, N Hubert, S R Floeter, R Myers (ML Berumen, ed.)

Chap 10: Captive care and breeding of coral reef butterflyfishes. J Delbeek (ML Berumen, ed.)