Prof. Berumen has taught the following classes at KAUST:
Marine Science (MarS) courses:
- Survey of Marine Science (MarS 201)
- Marine Life (MarS 221)
- Introduction to Oceanography (MarS 235)
- Ecology and Management of Marine Fisheries (MarS 243)
- Special Topics in Marine Science (MarS 245)
- Coral Reef Ecology (MarS 326)
- Movement Ecology (MarS 390)
- Marine Science Graduate Seminar (MarS 298/398)
KAUST Winter Enrichment Period (WEP):
- Finding Science in Finding Nemo
- Still Finding Science in Finding Nemo
- Marine Science for Non-Majors
- Birds of Arabia
- “Life” in Movies: Biology in Popular Media
- Desert Seas (film presentation with producer Bob Pollock)

Classes taught prior to KAUST:
University of Arkansas
- Principles of Biology (BIOL 1543)
- General Ecology (BIOL 3863)
- Marine Biology (BIOL 4803)
Hawaii Pacific University:
- Introduction to Biology (BIOL 1000 online)
- Introduction to Oceanography (MARS 1000 online)
University of Arkansas Gifted and Talented Summer Institute
- Biology “Down Under”: Marine Biology and Zoology of Australia Marine Biology
- “Life” in Movies: Biology in Popular Media