Sofia Walzer

Master's Student


Sofia was born and raised in New York, with a few years living in London, Paris, Hong Kong and Thailand. She has always been drawn to the ocean, and took the first chance she could to learn to scuba dive in Hawaii at the age of 13. Since, she has felt a desire to learn more and a responsibility to protect the marine world.

Her first exposure to ocean research was as a summer student fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Marine Policy Center. She investigated the ecosystem service value of an estuary amidst sea level rise.

She is particularly enthusiastic about corals and their critical role in tropical marine ecosystems. Prior to arriving at KAUST, she worked with the Coral Restoration Foundation to help restore the reefs of the Florida Keys.

Sofia earned her Bachelor of Science in biology from Cornell University. She is continuing her education at KAUST as a master’s student to contribute to marine exploration and conservation, and to develop her fieldwork, lab-based and analytical skills.